The DTR410™ expands the capabilities of your team, enabling them to get the job done right, fast and safely.
The better a team communicates, the more efficiently it operates. The DTR410 is the power tool that enables that communication. Unlike alternative technologies, there are no monthly fees.
No service towers. No per-minute charges.
These durable
in Design;
The Digital Difference.
Enhanced coverage, battery life and audio quality are just a few advantages of our new digital
In addition to these overall benefi ts, you’ll be able to take advantage of many
Rugged and reliable, the DTR410 digital
Because the digital technology of the DTR410 enables each unit to have its own unique
Transmit ID. Receiving radios will display the radio ID of the transmitting unit and, if listed in the receiving radio’s contact list, the transmitting unit’s radio name.
Scroll list. You can view a
Digital audio quality. Stays loud and clear everywhere you have coverage.
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). Provides enhanced security with 50
Enhanced coverage. Coverage extended by 20%* — up to 300,000 sq. ft. or 25 floors.
For customer support, or to find a dealer near you, call 1.800.448.6686. Or go to www.motorola.com/radios/business
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their registered owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2006
Blowing Rain
Steady rainfall and wind for 30 minutes on every surface
Salt Fog
48 hours of exposure
Blowing Dust
Six hours of blowing dust on all surfaces
18 shocks with a minimum G force of 40 G each
Up to nine hours of exposure to vibration that simulates the rigors that a radio could undergo while being carried or transported
Temperature Storage Multiple hours of exposure to storage temperatures as low as
Enhanced battery life. Up to 45% longer operation on a single charge*.
* Coverage will vary based on terrain and conditions. All comparison claims made against Motorola CP100/XU2600 analog radio models. High capacity battery used.