StockBoss Interactive for PageWriter/Timeport User’s Guide
1. Introduction
1.1.Minimum Requirements
1.PageWriter 2000x or Timeport 930/935 with Flex OS version or later. To check the version of FLEX OS on your unit, launch the "Customize" or “Controls” application, and then select "About PageWriter". If your pager is Flex OS version 1.0x we recommend installing our older version available at or upgrading your pager to Flex OS version 2.X or higher.
2.At least 40 K bytes of open FLASH memory on your PageWriter/Timeport. To check the free FLASH memory on your unit, launch the “Customize" or “Controls” application, select "Memory Usage", and if necessary (depending on version of FLEX OS), select the "Advanced" button.
3.FLEX PC Partner for your PC, version or later. To check the version of PC Partner, launch PC Partner, then select "Help" in the main menu bar, and then select "About Partner".
1.2.Subscription Plan
When you first set up StockBoss on your PageWriter/Timeport, you will normally be given a
StockBoss is a powerful financial interactive application that utilizes the graphic capabilities of the Motorola PageWriter 2000X and Timeport pagers to provide the end user with access to their stock portfolio and market information. In addition, StockBoss Interactive allows the user to visually graph historical stock data directly on their pager in order to portray a complete market status.
Based upon the unit’s
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