❸Press Xuntil the desired month is displayed. Press W to switch to the day. The day flashes.
❹Press Xuntil the desired day is displayed. Press W to repeat setting the date, if needed.
❺Press V twice to return to the standby screen.
❶To save a message, press Xwhile reading your message. The prompt protect ? is displayed.
❷Press W to protect the message. The symbol = indicates that your message is saved.
❸Press Xwhile reading the saved message to
r e m o v e t h e p r o t e c t i o n . T h e p r o m p t unprotect ? is displayed.
❹Press W to remove the protection. The symbol = is removed from the screen.
Saved messages cannot be erased or overwritten by new messages when memory is full. You can save up to eight messages.
❶Press Xuntil erase all? is displayed.
❷Press W. Your read, unprotected messages are erased. The pager returns to the standby screen.
The erase all? prompt is displayed only if there are read messages in memory.
❶Press Xtwice while reading a message and the delete ? prompt is displayed.