Sample Application Configuration Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
Enabling/Disabling News Feed
This option allows you to enable or disable the news feed in your phone’s idle display.
To enable the news feed on your phone:
1.Press the Applications key.
2.Select the Select Apps for Display link.
3.To enable use of the news feed on your phone, select the News check box. To disable use of the news feed on your phone, clear the News check box.
If the check box is selected, the application will be displayed in your phone’s idle display. If the check box is not selected, that application is not enabled for your phone.
4.Press the Exit soft key.
Setting Refresh Interval for News Feed
This option allows you to set the refresh interval for the news feed displayed in your phone’s idle display.
To change the refresh interval:
1.Press the Applications key.
2.Select the Select Apps for Display link.
3.Change the appropriate refresh interval.
4.Press the Exit soft key.
News Feed Display
You can view the latest news headlines shown in your phone’s idle display. The display of the news rotates based on the refresh interval.
You can view also the latest news headlines in your phone’s Microbrowser idle display. Press the Applications key, then press the News link.
Customizing Thought of the Day
The thought of the day application displays a line of information in your phone’s idle display.
The thought of the day application is enabled by default. A 10 second refresh interval is set by default.
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