Key Guide
ENTER In a record, moves the cursor to the next line. At the last line, stores the record.
G (DST AM/PM) When the home time is displayed, turns daylight savings on or off. When setting the home time, sets a.m. or p.m.
H (12/24) Shifted, toggles times between 12- and 24- hour time display.
ON/OFF Turns the organizer on or off.
SHIFT Pressed once, shifts a key to perform the function printed above the key. Pressed twice, activates the shift lock.
SPACE Types a space in records.
X (CHR) Shifted, types special characters.
V ( ) Shifted, turns the keytone on or off.
Direction Keys
Unshifted, moves cursor. Shifted, (DEL) deletes a character, (INS) inserts a space,
▲disengages or engages the caps lock, and ▼ (M.CK/NEXT) displays memory remaining.
Displays records, world times, conversions.
Calculator Function Keys
C (CE/C) Clears the most recent entry.
F (%) Calculates a percentage.
I (MR) Retrieves a number from the memory.
U (MC) Clears the memory.
P (M+) Stores a positive number in the memory.