oThe unit does not work when I press any buttons.
ol cannot removethe cassettefrom the unit .
The unithas beenset to the Answermode, but no IncomingMessageis recorded.
The unitdoes not functionHowever,.the beep sounds6 timesand the ANSWER/ CALLSindicatorflasheson and off quickly
Whilerecordingan OutgoingMessage,the beeo sounds6 times.
Cause& Remedy
Plugin the AC adaptorthen switch rne poweron.
olhe OGM or ICMcassettetape is cut or is not inserted. Replacethe cassettetape with a newone.
oTheOGM is recordedimproperly. Recorda new OGM.
.OGM cassettetape mightbe broken.Replaceit witha new one.
oCleanthe heads .(Seepage39 . )
Whenthe OutgoingMessageor theCleanthe Heads.(SeeMaintenance IncomingMessagetape is playedback,the instructionon page 39.)
soundlevelis low,evenif the VOLUME controlis turnedup fully.
Ihaveplayedback all the recorded messagesand I wantto recordthe next phonecall afterthe lastpreviouslyrecorded message.
Ipressthe buttonof a remotephone,but the unitdoes not resoond.
SomelncomingMessageshave not been recordeduo to theirend.
The ICM tape continuesto run aftera callbr nangsup.
oWaitfor 7 seconds.The unitwill be readyto recordthe nextphonecall.
oln case of the remoteooeration. justhangup .
oMakesurethatyou are entering yourcorrectCodenumber.
oRecordthe OutgoingMessagein a ouietDlace .
Setthe CPC switchto "8" (Seepage 11 )
Setthe recordingtimeselectorto "1 M I N " .
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