1.Resetting of safety thermostats, circuit breakers, over load protectors, and/or fuse replacements are not covered by this warranty unless warranted conditions are the cause.
2.All problems due to operation at voltages or phase other than specified on equipment nameplates are not covered by this warranty.
Conversion to correct voltage and/or phase must be the customer’s responsibility.
3.All problems due to electrical connections not made in accordance with electrical code requirements and wiring diagrams supplied with the equipment are not covered by this warranty.
4.Replacement of items subject to normal wear, to include such items as knobs, light bulbs; and, normal maintenance functions including adjustments of thermostats, adjustment of micro switches and replacement of fuses and indicating lights are not covered by warranty.
5.Damage to electrical cords and/or plug due to exposure to excessive heat are not covered by this warranty.
6.Full use, care, and maintenance instructions supplied with each machine. Noted maintenance and preventative maintenance items, such as servicing and
cleaning schedules, are customer responsibility. Those miscellaneous adjustments noted are customer responsibility. Proper attention to preventative maintenance and scheduled maintenance procedures will prolong the life of the appliance.
7.Travel mileage is limited to sixty (60) miles from an Authorized Service Agency or one of its
8.All labor shall be performed during regular working hours. Overtime premium will be charged to the buyer.
9.All genuine Wells replacement parts are warranted for ninety (90) days from date of purchase on non- warranty equipment. This parts warranty is limited only to replacement of the defective part(s). Any use of
10.Installation, labor, and job
11.Charges incurred by delays, waiting time or operating restrictions that hinder the service technician’s ability to perform service are not covered by warranty. This includes institutional and correctional facilities.
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