Remote Car Starter
Remote Car Starter
Security System
Auto Page is a leader in the design and manufacturing of high quality
High quality circuit boards with 30/45
•Ergonomic LCD transceiver with colorful backlighting, 29 large visible icons on the screen as well as beep
tones and vibrating for
•Button Lock option on the LCD remote transceivers prevents accidental
disarming and remote start
•Turbo Timer feature available for vehicles with turbo chargers. Allows for the vehicle to remain locked and armed while the turbo is running.
•Window Comfort feature available for vehicles with power window control from the key or remote control through the locking function.
•Auto Page systems use a “Noise Abatement Circuitry” that limits the length and number of siren cycles when the alarm has been triggered along with a
**The Limited Lifetime Warranty is not transferable and is available only to the original purchaser and the original car in which it is installed.
and a better value for the consumer.