MP3 Player/Recorder
Model 8101 (with one headphone)
Model 8102 (with two headphones)
Model 8104 (Listening Center with 4 headphones)
Podcasts are a great way to expand learning beyond the classroom or library, and at the same time actively engage students in a new way through this accessible and exciting new modality. Podcasts can help teachers introduce concepts, review lessons, check student progress in language learning, and supplement classroom curriculum. Podcasts are readily available (for free) online from an expanding number and variety of sources, where individual segments can be down- loaded or one can subscribe to a feed. An increasing number of
Content applications for podcasting include: Art, for listening to lecturesand presentations from universitiesand museums around the world; Language Arts, from assisting beginning readers with early fluency to group listening of an audio book; Math, to help reinforce new concepts; Music, downloading has redefined how music is listened to; Science, for learning about animals, astronomy, biology, and physics; Social Studies, to learn about geography, the sounds of other cultures and lots more.
In addition to presenting information to students, podcasting opens the door for
Unlike consumer brands, the Califone MP3 player / recorder is designed for the unique demands within schools by teachers for students. From a safety perspective, it is the only MP3
player built with rugged ABS plastic so it can’t shatter into potentially sharp shards. Hearing preservation is also important, which is why we’ve integrated Sentinel TechnologyTM to restrict the volume playback to the ASHA recommended level of 85dB when used with its
Media Reviews
District Administration “...
Scholastic “Bottom line: The Califone MP3 Player is an inexpensive way to bring digital audio into the classroom.. (it) is perfect for small hands with large control buttons as well as a pair of headphone jacks for
The K12 Geek “... a nice tech tool for podcasters.. it is extremely functional”
Califone® International Inc. 800-722-0500
8101, March 2008