This unit may function incorrectly if subjected to
2-year guarantee
Morphy Richards products are manufactured to internationally accepted quality standards. In addition to your statutory rights, Morphy Richards guarantee your product to be free from manufacturing and component defects for a period of two years from date of purchase.
If your product proves to be defective within 28 days of purchase, your Morphy Richards dealer from whom the product was purchased will be pleased to replace it free of charge.
Should your product develop a defect within the guarantee period but after the replacement period, please return the product to the After Sales Division at the address below, together with the proof of purchase, brief details of the symptoms and your own name and address.
Your post office will provide a certificate of posting. The product will be repaired and returned to you promptly.
Morphy Richards Ltd., Mexborough, South Yorkshire, S64 8AJ
Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only.
Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality and design. The company, therefore reserves the right to change the specification of its models at any time.
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