Section 4:
Pictures, Gauge, and Options Menu
Pictures Slideshow
The iWAY can display photo images from your media card. To open the Photos Slideshow, choose PHOTOS from the Main Menu.
You can choose to play the images as a slideshow, or pause on a single image. A Pictures Toolbar allows you to control this display with but- tons similar to the Music Mode play controls.
Pictures slideshow mode, looking for images, and with an image shown.
In order to use the Pictures Slideshow, you must already have photo images on the MMC or SD Card installed in the iWAY. The iWAY will automatically search the card for any usable images. To operate the Slideshow:
Close Slideshow
Zoom In
Play / Pause Slideshow
Next Image
Previous Image
The Pictures Slideshow Toolbar.
Close Slideshow returns the iWAY to the Main Menu.