Creating Subfolders
Level two folders, or “subfolders,” store the music files. Music files are what show up as tracks on your Treó 10. For more information on tracks, see “What Is a Track?” on page 30. The names you assign the subfolders here are the album names you will see on your
Treó 10. For more information about albums, see “What Is an Album?” on page 30.
To create a subfolder:
1.With your right mouse button, click on a folder icon.
2.Select New Subfolder.
3.Accept the dialog box defaults. Type a name for your subfolder. Subfolder names can contain up to 64 characters and can include letters, numbers, and spaces.
4.Click OK.
The Treó 10 will automatically alphabetize genres and albums. However, you assign the track order using Music Explorer.
Transferring Files
Music Explorer provides two ways for you to easily and quickly transfer files from your PC to your Treó
Individual music files, also referred to as ‘tracks,’ can only be transferred at the subfolder level.
20 | How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 |