General question&answer
Unable to switch on the machine
No audio output from the earphone
LCD cannot display
Poor FM receiving
Cannot upload/download Mp3 /WMA/WAV files
Possible causes
No battery
Incorrect battery position
Loosen plug
Volume is 0
Check the battery status Check the plug for whether it has oxidized or covered by any dirty stain
Corrupted Mp3 or Wav files
Wrong lang. setting
Do not support certain lang. Signal too weak
Interfere by other electronic appliances
Check the battery
Check the USB connection
Suggested solutions
Change for new battery
Place the battery appropriately
Increase the volume
Change the battery
Clean the plug
Choose the correct lang.
Browse our website for latest version Adjust the position of earphone
Close and stay away from the electronic appliances that interfere the signal
Replace the battery with a new one Reconnect the USB cable
Use another USB cable
Delete files to release more memory
Cannot record or receive FM | Out of memory | Delete files to release more memory |