191/192 (MA) MP3DigitalMusicPlayer 2006/5/24 11:50 AM Page 22
Function Operation Related Questions
What if all of the buttons are unavailable?
Check to see if it is set on HOLD enabled status (set).
What happens if power suddenly goes off during FM play or music play?
The battery may be low, leading to system power OFF. Check the battery life indica- tor on the LCD.
File Upload and
Download Related
Why can’t my PC find my MP3?
The USB port of the PC is malfunctioning (mechanical damage of insufficient power supply). Please restart the computer or reinstall the sys-
tem software, or driver instal- lation fails to recognize the MP3.
Why does my PC indicate failure to connect to the play- er, but the player clearly indi- cates READY?
This is always caused by the USB cable not properly plugged in to the player. The USB control circuit of the player checks the
Why does my MP3 player lock-up?
Once the USB cable is unplugged during copying music files or formatting the MP3, the buttons will be locked. When copying music files, the copying progress
displayed on the LCD of player is the actual progress. When the notes of the player stop dancing, it indicates that copy is complete. Before unplugging the USB cable from the PC, please ensure that the movable disc has been safely ejected (Eject). Click the Safely Remove Hardware icon at the right bottom of the desktop to ensure safe removal of the hardware, or enter Windows Explorer and find the mov- able hard disk generated by the detecting device, click the right key of the mouse and select Eject.
Solution for System
Power on Failure
If an accident occurs or the system is halted (such as power off) during copying files or formatting the MP3, please remove the battery, and press and hold the “PLAY” button. The PC nor- mally will find the MP3
hardware and install the soft- ware automatically, and then upgrade the firmware.
Music Playback
Debugging Method for the Music Play Sequence:
After copying the music files, please assign serial numbers before the music name (for example, 01, 02, 03 … 10 … 99), the MP3 will play files according to the assigned serial number. Please do not use 1 or 2 to replace 01 or 02 etc. Otherwise the system will play these files last.
Why can’t I play certain WMA files downloaded from the internet?
The WMA files are copy- right protected. It is recom- mended that you make WMA files yourself. When making WMA files with Windows Media PlayerTM files, please
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