•or, go to File > Import a playlist to select playlists on the PC.
»»Media files are added under
Get contents from online sources
You can access and purchase content from online sources. Find the available online services under Services on the source selector pane.
•• Before you download or purchase content from online services, subscribe to the online service and log in to your account.
•• Some of the services are available in certain countries.
Search online
1 Select an online service:
•Select an option under Services;
•Alternatively, in the search box, click the down arrow to select an online service.
»»You enter the Web page of the online source.
2 Search for your media file.
•If necessary, use the search box to enter a keyword.
Create playlists in Philips Songbird
With a playlist, you can manage and sync your songs as needed.
Create a playlist
Select songs that you want to play. Add the songs to a playlist.