R. Specifications
Compatible DISC: DVD/CD/MP3
Signal system: NTSC
Panel size: 8 inch
Frequency response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Video output: 1
Audio output: 1.4Vrms/10kOhm
Audio S/N: Better than 60 dB
Dynamic range : Better than 85 dB
Laser: Semiconductor Laser, Wave Length: 650 nm/795 nm
Power source: DC
Power consumption: 12 W
Operating temperature: 41~95°F, 5~35°C
Weight : 0.71Kg
Dimensions (W x D x H): 8.07 X 5.98 X1.57inches 205 x 152 x 40mm
Battery Type:
Design and Specifications are subject to change for product improvement without notice