Your UNIDENModel PC33X represents the most advanced Mobile station type radio ever designed for use in the Citiz- ens Band Radio SeNice. It will operate on any of the 40 frequencies designated
as citizens band channels by the De- partment of Communications. Your
Model PC33X features a frequency syn- thesizing circuit with PHASELOCKED LOOPtechniques to assure ultraprecise Frequency control. This radio has been'
Type Accepted and Type Certified by the D.O.C.
Before transmitting with your transceiv- er, you must obtain a Department of Communications (D.O.C.) Citizens Ra- dio licence. Obtain an application form, from the D.O.C. Before complet- ing the form you should read the condi- tions governing the licensing and oper- ation of the C.R.S.(D.O.C. brochure RB 14). This brochure also can be obtained
from the D.O.C. After completing the
application form, mail it with the appro- priate fee to the Superintendant Regu- latory of licensing in the State or territo- ryin which the station will be operated.