Thanks and Credits
The redesigned Engineering Communications Tutorial and the development process upon which this guide was based would not have been possible without the contributions of the staff at the Digital Library Services Division and the Dig- ital Information Literacy Office, eLeader Project.
Thanks go out to Aaron Choate, Peter Keane, Mason Jones, Carolee Miles, and Susan Rit- tereiser for contributing their technical and creative expertise to the tutorial design and pro- duction process. We also thank Tina Ochiai and Adriana Oldham for their translation services.
For More Information
Visit the Engineering Communications Tutorial on the McKinney Engineering Library Homep- age: www.lib.utexas.edu/engin.
Contact McKinney Engineering Library for more information about our online library instruction initiatives: englib@lib.utexas.edu
This guide was created by Andrea Forte: aforte @alumni.utexas.net.
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