Emerson CK5027 manual Installation

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U n r a v e lt h e A C c o r d a n d c o n n e c l t t t o a


convenrentlylocatedAC outlethaving 120V






AC Outlet

a n d 6 0 H z o n l y . T h e C l o c k D i s p l a y w i l l

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illumrnateand a flashingtrmewtllappeartn the

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w r n d o w T h e C l o c k D i s p l a vw i l l c o n t t n u et o flashuntilthettmehasbeenset

NOTE lf the AC plug does not fit into a nonpolarizedoutlet .do not file or cut the wide blade

lf the AC cord is drsconnectedor if there is a power failure,this electronic clockis designedto continueoperatingrnternally(withoLrtshowtngthe time on the ClockDisplay)wtth a 9 volt battery(not tncluded)

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T o c o n n e c t t h e b a t t e r y . l o c a t e t h e BatteryCompartmenton the bottom of t h e u n i t C o n n e c tt h e b a t t e r yt o t h e termtnalsof the batterysnap tnstdetito . c o m p a r t m e n t ( u s e o f a n a l k a l r n e b a t t e r yi s r e c o m m e n d e d ) C. l t p t h e b a t t e r y b a c k i n t o t h e h o l d e r i n t h e compartment.



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B A T T E R Y P R E C A U ] I O N S



l E n I r n L v n v r r v l t J

ott,,* lfrese precautlons when usttig battercs in this .Jellce 1 Llse oniy lhe srze and type of battenes specllied

2Be sure to lollow the c()rrect polar(V r!hen inslalling lhe batlenes as Indicated rn the battery comparlrnent Reversed batlerles may cause damage to the devtce .

3[ - ]o nol mix dillerenl types of battertes logether (e g Alkaline and C a r b o n - z r n c )o r o l d b a l l e f l e s w t t h l r e s h o n e s

.1 lt tfle devrce rs not lo be used lor a long penod of lime rernove the banenes lo prevent damalle or InJurylrom possible battery leakage

5Do not try lo recharge ballenes not rntended to be recharged, they can overheat and rupture lFolbw battery rnanufaclurels direclions.)

Be sure to check the conditionof the batteryperiodicallyby disconnectingthe A C c o r d a n d c o n n e c t i n gi t a g a i n 2 o r 3 m i n u l e s l a t e r .T h e p r e s e t t i m e s shouldcontinueoperating .lf a flashingttme appearson the Clock Display,it indicatesthe batteryrs dead or not connectedproperly.The 9 volt batterywill keep the internaltimes accuratelyfor approximately30 minutes.lf the power rs restoredafter 30 minutes,the times may need to be reset.

Image 5
Contents AM/FM Clock Radio U T I O N WARISNG-TOPREVENTFIiFORSHOCKHAZARJDO.- NOiI Thefollowing Noisescanbe Dangerousunderconstantexposure CLCCKButtoii HOURButtorr\ \ InstallationTo Setor Resetthealarmtime AutoalarmledindicatorTo Setor Resettheactualtime Sleep Automaticwake UP EVERY24 HoursRadio TroubleshootingguideClock BuzzerLtMTEDWARRANTYAUDtO Emerson