Lint screen
Cle ‘an the lint SCI
increase drying time and may be a FIRE HAZARD.
Open the lid (and pull the lint screen straight out.
ROLL the lint off the screen with your fingers.
DO NOT rinse or wash the screen.
Push the screen firmly back into place.
Lint removal
Lint can gather inside the dryer should be removed every 2 to 3 dryer usage.
and create a fire hazard.This lint
years, or more otten, depending on
Cleaning should be done only by a qualified person.
I _
hazard - unplug powe A
electl’ rlcal . power.
l Avoid injury or damage - do not put hands inside cabinet.
l Make sure dryer is cool.
1.Remove back panel [electric] or lower access panel (gas).
2.Avoid damaging wires, thermostats, funnel or igniter.
3.Remove lint from shaded area - see art- with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.
4.Replace panel; reconnect and