Craftsman 137.24885 operating instructions ARBOR- Theshaftonwhichthebladeordadois mounted

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ANTFKICKBACKPAWLS- Preventstheworkpiece frombeingkickedupwardorbacktowardthefrontof the tablesawbythespinningblade.

ARBOR- Theshaftonwhichthebladeordadois mounted.

BEVELCUT- Ananglecutmadethroughthefaceof theworkpiece.

BLADEBEVELSCALE- Measurestheangletheblade istiltedwhensetfora bevelcut.

BLADEELEVATIONHANDWHEEL- Raisesand lowerstheblade.

BLADEGUARD- Clearplasticcoverthatpositions itselfoverthebladewhilecutting.

COMPOUNDCUT- Asimultaneousbevelandmiter cut.

CROSSCUT - A cut made across the width of the workpiece.

DADO - Special cutting blades that are used to cut grooves in a workpiece.

FREEHAND - Performing a cut without using a rip fence, miter gauge, hold down or other proper device to prevent the workpiece from twisting during the cutting operation.

GUM - A sticky sap from wood products.

HEEL - Misalignment of the blade.

JAMB NUT - Nut used to lock another nut in place on a threaded rod or bolt.


thermocoupleandprovidesa wayto restartthesaw motorif it overloadsoroverheats.

PUSHSTICK- Usedtopushworkpieceswhen performingrippingoperations.

RESIN- A stickysapthathashardened.

REVOLUTIONSPERMINUTE(RPM)- Thenumberof turnscompletedbyaspinningobjectinoneminute.

RiPFENCE- A guideusedforripcuttingwhichallows theworkpiecetocutstraight.

RiPPiNG- Cutting with the grain of the wood or along the length of the workpiece.

SAW BLADE PATH - The area of the workpiece or table top directly in line with the travel of the blade or the part of the workpiece that will be cut.

SET - The distance between two saw blade tips, bent outward in opposite directions to each other. The further apart the tips are, the greater the set.

SPLITTER - Keeps the workpiece split apart after being cut to prevent binding on the blade and workpiece.

TABLE iNSERT - Insert that is removed from the table to install / remove blades, tt is also removed for dado cutting. When dado cutting, a dado insert plate must be used.

THROUGH SAWING - Making a cut completely through the length or width of a workpiece.

WORKPIECE - Material to be cut.

KERF - The amount of material removed by the blade cut.

MITER CUT - An angle cut made across the width of the workpiece.

MITER GAUGE - A guide used for crosscutting operations that slides in the table top channels (grooves) located on either side of the blade, it helps make accurate straight or angle crosscuts.

Leading edge




Saw blade path

Trailing edge

Image 9
Contents Visit our Craftsman website Safety InstructionsSection ONE=YEAR Full Warranty on Craftsman ToolLead from lead-based paints MotorUSE only Recommended Accessories Dang ER Look for this symbol thatNever USE the Miter Gauge and Fence Simultaneously Never Perform ANY OperationGrounding iNSTRUCTiONS Quantity = Only use atackable dadoesAbcd Jklm Page BLADEELEVATIONHANDWHEEL- Raisesand lowerstheblade ARBOR- Theshaftonwhichthebladeordadois mountedCOMPOUNDCUT- Asimultaneousbevelandmiter cut RESIN- a stickysapthathashardenedASSEMBUNGSTANDFIG.A Tightenhardware Placethestandona levelsurfaceandadjusttheAssemble Table SAW to Stand FIG. B Damage the SAW BaseMountsawonworksurface Installing and Changing the Blade FIG. E, F, GBlade Raising Handwheel FIG. C RIP Fence FIG. DProper insert in place. Use the original installed Blade Guard Assembly FIG. H, I, JTo avoid possible injury and damage to Installing Rightside Table Extension Wing FIG. K Installing Table Side Extensions FIG. L, L=IAvoid Kickbacks FIG. J Serious injuryAdjusting Rear Table Extension Installing Rear Table Extension FIG, MRIP Fence Adjustment FIG. N RIP Fence Indicator Adjustment FIG. NLoosenthebladebevellockknob1andmovethe 900Stop DisconnectthesawfromthepowersourceMiter Gauge Adjustment FIG. T=I Blade Tilting Indicator FIG. TRotatethebladebringingthemarkedtoothtothe If the blade is partial to left aideUsing the Table Extension FIG. W ON/OFF Switch FIGBasicsawoperations Raisetheblade FIG. U Overload Protection FIGTo prevent sawdust buildup inside the saw housing Usingthe Dust Chute FIG. YCutting Operations Greatly increase the likelihood of injuryTo prevent serious injury RiPPiNG Small PiecesEnough to cause a severe injury Always position the larger surface of the workpieceFig, DD WARNINeFig. HH DADOCUTSFIG. HHLubrication Corrective Action Symptom Possible Causes10 in. Table SAW Schematic SAW Model Parts LiST and Schematic for Stand Page Page =888-SU=HOGAR =800=LE=FOYER