Grizzly G4814 Adjusting Depth Stop, Removing Mortising Chisel and Bit, To adjust the depth stop

Page 21

Figure 18.6j\ZgW^iVcYX]^hZaXdggZXian


Removing Mortising Chisel and Bit

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. 6aadl i]Z X]^hZa VcY W^i id Xdda! i]Zc! l^i] ]ZVkn aZVi]Zg \adkZh! hjeedgi i]Z Vj\Zg W^i VcY jhZ i]Z X]jX` `Zn id addhZc i]Z X]jX` _Vlhjci^ai]ZW^igZaZVhZh^cidndjg]VcY#

3. Hjeedgi i]Z X]^hZa l^i] ndjg egdiZXiZY ]VcY VcY addhZc Wdi] X]^hZa haZZkZ adX`h! i]Zc gZbdkZ i]Z X]^hZa VcY haZZkZ [gdb i]Z bVX]^cZ#

4. 8aZVcX]^ehVcYYjhi[gdbi]ZgZbdkZYeVgih! Veean V cdc"hiV^c^c\ egdiZXiVci! i]Zc hidgZ i]Zb^cVYgn!egdiZXiZYadXVi^dcid`ZZei]Zb gjhi"[gZZVcYh]Vge#


Adjusting Depth


I]Z YZei] hide ^h jhZY id XgZViZ V bdgi^hZ d[ V heZX^[^X YZei] Wn a^b^i^c\ i]Z YdlclVgY bdkZ" bZcid[i]Z]ZVY#

Note: When calculating the depth of the mortise, you want to leave a little room beyond the chisel points for glue squeeze out. Usually, the indent at the bottom of the mortise made by the auger bit is sufficient, but this can vary.

To adjust the depth stop:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. BVg`i]ZYZh^gZYYZei]d[i]Zbdgi^hZdci]Z [gdci [VXZ d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! i]Zc eaVXZ ^i dc i]ZiVWaZV\V^chii]Z[ZcXZ#

3. GV^hZ i]Z ]Zm cjih id i]Z ide d[ i]Z YZei] hideWdai#

4. Edh^i^dci]ZiVWaZVcYldg`e^ZXZhdi]Vii]Z ^chiVaaZYX]^hZaXVcWZadlZgZY^c[gdcid[i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! i]Zc Wg^c\ i]Z X]^hZa Ydlc hd i]Vii]ZX]^hZaed^cihVgZZkZcl^i]i]ZbVg` bVYZ^cStep 2hZZFigure 19#


Figure 19.Edh^i^dc^c\i]ZX]^hZal^i]i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ[dgVY_jhi^c\i]ZXdggZXiYZei]d[hide#


Image 21 Contents
Model G4814 Industrial Hollow Chisel Mortising Machine Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy Functional Overview IntroductionContact Info =daadl8hZaBdgihc\BVXcZ\iHYZ AZiHYZ @cZZAddgBdjcic\AdXVidchd Machine Data Sheet Chuck Information BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2ON# Additional Safety Instructions for Mortising MachinesCircuit Requirements 220V 3-Phase OperationSetup Safety SetupItems Needed for Setup UnpackingInventory Figure Qty Inventory Clean UpBdgihc\8hZahVcY7ih Bdgihc\8hZaHaZZkZhSite Considerations Placement LocationMoving & Placing Machine Floor LoadMounting to Floor Using Machine MountsBolting to Concrete Floors  JcWdaiiZbVXcZgdbiZheec\eVaaZi#To assemble your mortising machine Assembly?VbCji =VcYaZ Factory adjustments that should be verified Recommended Adjustments Test Run To test run the machineOperation Safety OperationsBasic Controls Mortising Chisel Bit Installing Mortising Chisel and Bit6j\Zg7i 8hZa 8eEdgiZcXZ AVi8hZaHjgVXZ 8dggZXi¿&+¶¿&+ Adjusting Depth Stop To adjust the depth stopRemoving Mortising Chisel and Bit Clamping Workpiece Parallel to the Fence Clamping Workpiece With Vise9ZeiHide7dai =Zm?VbCjih KhZ8aVbe KhZ=VcYlZZaClamping Workpiece at an Angle to the Fence Longitudinal Limit StopsTools NeededQty To use the longitudinal limit stopTable Travel Table ControlsTable Tilt Adjusting Table Perpendicular to ChiselTilting the Table Iaic\AdX`7daihMortising Operation To make a mortise with your mortising machineViVXdggZXiVc\aZdgndjgdeZgVidc# Accessories H7237-Classic Joints with Power ToolsT20386-Success with Joints IZhZ\aVhhZhbZZi6CHO-,#&%%heZXXV ¸Ihh\ddYhijXVciWZiddXVgZjalihdehVZin T20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736Maintenance Cleaning ProtectingSchedule Lubrication Dovetail WaysLubricant Frequency Qty Leadscrews & Table Gearing Ball OilersTroubleshooting ServiceMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCdhn li XViiZg 6j\ZgWihdjidVa\cbZciliXhZa# Mortising OperationAdjusting Gibs Adjusting Head GibAdX`c\ =Zm7daih Adjusting Table, Cross Slide, & Knee Gibs Adjusting Head Spring TensionWiring Safety Instructions WiringHliXlgc\# Wiring DiagramParts Diagram Description Parts ListLabel Placement TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%