ADIC Version 2.7 manual Ccurrentmediaclass, Nnewmediaclass

Page 6








[ -Rretries ]

Number of retries



attempted if the software



receives a timeout.





[ -Ttimeout ]

Time interval (in



seconds) that the



software waits for status



before returning a








[ -Vnumber ]

RPC program number for



the software.






Changes the media class



associated with the



specified media.






Specifies one or more



media to reclassify.






Specifies the media class



with which specified



media are to be









Specifies the new media



class with which the



specified media are to be








[ -v ]

Specifies verbose output.





[ -l ]

Indicates that CLI options



are to be read from stdin.





[ -h ]

Requests help for the



entered command.





[ -Hhostname ]

Hostname of the Media



Manager server.





[ -Ppriority ]

Execution priority of the



entered command.



Default: 15





[ -Rretries ]

Number of retries that the



software attempts if a



timeout is received.



Default: 3





[ -Ttimeout ]

Time interval (in



seconds) that the



software waits for status



before returning a






Default: 120





[ -Vnumber ]

RPC program number for



the software.



Default: 300016




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Image 6
Contents Policy Class Management Device Management File ManagementFile System Recovery Media Management Sstate DriveIDPdrivepool MediaclassCcurrentmediaclass NnewmediaclassReports and Queries RrequestID