For Your Own Safety, Read Instruction Manual Before Operating this Power Tool
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words intended to convey the level of impor- tance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures. Always use common sense and good judgment.
| Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, |
| WILL result in death or serious injury. |
| Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, |
| |
| COULD result in death or serious injury. |
| |
| Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, |
| |
| MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert |
| |
| against unsafe practices. |
| NOTICE | This symbol is used to alert the user to useful information about | |
| proper operation of the machine. |
Safety Instructions for Power Tools
OWNER’S MANUAL. GZVY VcY jcYZghiVcYi]^h dlcZg»hbVcjVa7:;DG:jh^c\bVX]^cZ#
TRAINED OPERATORS ONLY.JcigV^cZYdeZg" Vidgh ]VkZ V ]^\]Zg g^h` d[ WZ^c\ ]jgi dg `^aaZY# Dcan Vaadl igV^cZY$hjeZgk^hZY eZdeaZ id jhZ i]^h edlZgidda#L]Zcidda^hcdiWZ^c\jhZY!Y^hXdc" cZXi edlZg! VcY hidgZ ^c dji"d["gZVX] adXVi^dc id egZkZci jcVji]dg^oZY jhZ ZheZX^Vaan VgdjcY X]^aYgZc#BV`Zldg`h]de`^Yegdd[
DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. 9d cdi jhZ iddah^cVgZVhi]ViVgZlZi!XajiiZgZY!dg]VkZeddg a^\]i^c\# DeZgVi^c\ iddah ^c i]ZhZ VgZVh \gZVian ^cXgZVhZhg^h`d[VXX^YZcihVcY^c_jgn#
MENTAL ALERTNESS REQUIRED. ;jaa bZciVa VaZgicZhh ^h gZfj^gZY [dg hV[Z deZgVi^dc d[ edlZg iddah#CZkZgdeZgViZjcYZgi]Z^c[ajZcXZd[Ygj\h dgVaXd]da!l]Zci^gZY!dgl]ZcY^higVXiZY#
DISCONNECT POWER FIRST.6alVnhY^hXdccZXi idda [gdb edlZg hjeean 7:;DG: bV`^c\ VY_jhi" bZcih!X]Vc\^c\idda^c\!dghZgk^X^c\bVX]^cZ#I]^h egZkZcih Vc ^c_jgn g^h` [gdb jc^ciZcYZY hiVgije dg XdciVXil^i]a^kZZaZXig^XVaXdbedcZcih#
EYE PROTECTION.6alVnhlZVg6CH>"VeegdkZY hV[Zin\aVhhZhdgV[VXZh]^ZaYl]ZcdeZgVi^c\dg dWhZgk^c\ bVX]^cZgn id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZnZ ^c_jgndgWa^cYcZhh[gdb[an^c\eVgi^XaZh#:kZgnYVn ZnZ\aVhhZhVgZcdiVeegdkZYhV[Zin\aVhhZh#
ELECTRICAL SAFETY. Idda eaj\ bjhi bViX] djiaZi# 9djWaZ"^chjaViZY iddah ]VkZ V edaVg^oZY eaj\ dcZ WaVYZ ^h l^YZg i]Vc i]Z di]Zg! l]^X] bjhi WZ eaj\\ZY ^cid V edaVg^oZY djiaZi# CZkZg bdY^[n eaj\# 9d cdi jhZ VYVeiZg [dg \gdjcYZY iddah# JhZ V \gdjcY [Vjai X^gXj^i ^ciZggjeiZg ^[ deZgVi^dc^hjcVkd^YVWaZ^cYVbeadXVi^dch#6kd^Y idjX]^c\\gdjcYZYhjg[VXZhl]ZcdeZgVi^c\idda#