Grizzly G1028Z2, G1029Z2 Additional Safety for Dust Collectors, BdYZa%*-O$&%-O$&%.OB\#$%. 

Page 15

Additional Safety for Dust Collectors

INTENDED USE.I]^hYjhiXdaaZXidg^hdcan^ciZcY" ZY[dgXdaaZXi^c\lddYYjhiVcYX]^eh[gdblddY" ldg`^c\bVX]^cZh#9DCDIjhZi]^hYjhiXdaaZXidg id XdaaZXi bZiVa! Y^gi! eZWWaZh! YgnlVaa! VhWZhidh! aZVY eV^ci! h^a^XV! a^fj^Yh! VZgdhdah! dg Vcn [aVb" bVWaZ!XdbWjhi^WaZ!dg]VoVgYdjhbViZg^Vah#

HAZARDOUS DUST. 9jhi XgZViZY l]^aZ jh^c\ bVX]^cZgn bVn XVjhZ XVcXZg! W^gi] YZ[ZXih! dg adc\"iZgb gZhe^gVidgn YVbV\Z# 7Z VlVgZ d[ Yjhi ]VoVgYhVhhdX^ViZYl^i]ZVX]ldg`e^ZXZbViZg^Va! VcYValVnhlZVgVC>DH="VeegdkZYgZhe^gVidgid gZYjXZndjgg^h`#

DUST ALLERGIES.9jhi[gdbXZgiV^clddYhbVn XVjhZVcVaaZg\^XgZVXi^dc^ceZdeaZVcYVc^bVah# BV`ZhjgZndj`cdll]ViineZd[lddYYjhindj l^aaWZZmedhZYid^cXVhZi]ZgZ^hVedhh^W^a^ind[ VcVaaZg\^XgZVXi^dc#

WEAR RESPIRATOR.;^cZYjhii]Vi^hiddhbVaa idWZXVj\]i^ci]Z[^aiZgl^aaWZWadlc^cidi]ZVbW^" Zci V^g Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc# 6alVnh lZVg V C>DH= VeegdkZY gZhe^gVidg Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc VcY [dg V h]dgi i^bZ V[iZg id gZYjXZ ndjg g^h` d[ eZgbVcZci gZhe^gVidgnYVbV\Z#

EMPTYING DUST.L]ZcZbein^c\Yjhi[gdbi]Z XdaaZXi^dc XdciV^cZg! lZVg V gZhe^gVidg VcY hV[Zin \aVhhZh# :bein Yjhi VlVn [gdb ^\c^i^dc hdjgXZh VcY^cidVcVeegdkZYXdciV^cZg#

DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY. Ijgc i]Z hl^iX] D;;! Y^hXdccZXi i]Z Yjhi XdaaZXidg [gdb i]ZedlZghjeean!VcYVaadli]Z^beZaaZgidXdbZ id V XdbeaZiZ hide WZ[dgZ aZVk^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ jcViiZcYZY dg Yd^c\ Vcn hZgk^XZ! XaZVc^c\! bV^c" iZcVcXZ!dgVY_jhibZcih#

SUSPENDED DUST PARTICLES AND IGNITION SOURCES.9DCDIdeZgViZi]ZYjhiXdaaZXidg^c VgZVhlZgZZmeadh^dcg^h`hVgZ]^\]#6gZVhd[]^\] g^h`^cXajYZ!WjiVgZcdia^b^iZYid!VgZVhcZVge^adi a^\]ih!deZc[aVbZh!dgdi]Zg^\c^i^dchdjgXZh#

FIRE SUPPRESSION.DcandeZgViZi]ZYjhiXda" aZXidg ^c adXVi^dch i]Vi XdciV^c V [^gZ hjeegZhh^dc hnhiZbdg]VkZV[^gZZmi^c\j^h]ZgcZVgWn#

IMPELLER HAZARDS.9DCDIeaVXZndjg]VcYh dgiddahcZVgi]ZdeZc^caZiYjg^c\deZgVi^dc[dgVcn gZVhdc# I]Z edlZg[ja hjXi^dc XdjaY ZVh^an XVjhZ VXX^YZciVa XdciVXi l^i] i]Z ^beZaaZg l]^X] l^aa XVjhZ hZg^djh eZghdcVa ^c_jgn dg YVbV\Z id i]Z bVX]^cZ#6alVnh`ZZehbVaaVc^bVahVcYX]^aYgZc VlVn[gdbdeZcYjhiXdaaZXi^dc^caZih#

AVOIDING SPARKS.9DCDIVaadlhiZZadggdX`h id hig^`Z i]Z ^beZaaZg i]^h bVn egdYjXZ heVg`h# HeVg`hXVchbdaYZg^clddYYjhi[dgVadc\i^bZ WZ[dgZ V [^gZ ^h YZiZXiZY# >[ ndj VXX^YZciVaan Xji ^cid lddY XdciV^c^c\ igVbe bZiVa cV^ah! hiVeaZh! he^`Zh! ZiX#! ^bbZY^ViZan ijgc OFF i]Z Yjhi Xda" aZXidg! Y^hXdccZXi ^i [gdb edlZg! VcY lV^i [dg i]Z ^beZaaZg id hide i]Zc Zbein i]Z XdaaZXi^dc Xdc" iV^cZg^cidVcVeegdkZYV^gi^\]ibZiVaXdciV^cZg#

OPERATING LOCATION. Id gZYjXZ gZhe^gVidgn ZmedhjgZid[^cZYjhi!adXViZeZgbVcZcian^chiVaaZY Yjhi XdaaZXidgh VlVn [gdb i]Z ldg`^c\ VgZV! dg ^c Vcdi]Zggddbi]Vi^hZfj^eeZYl^i]Vhbd`ZYZiZX" idg#9DCDIdeZgViZi]ZYjhiXdaaZXidg^cgV^cndg lZi adXVi^dch ZmedhjgZ id lViZg bVn XgZViZ Vc h]dX`]VoVgYdgYZXgZVhZi]Za^[Zd[i]ZbVX]^cZ#

STATIC ELECTRICITY. EaVhi^X Yjhi a^cZh \ZcZg" ViZ]^\]Vbdjcihd[hiVi^XZaZXig^X^inVhYjhiX]^eh eVhhi]gdj\]i]Zb#6ai]dj\]gVgZ!heVg`hXVjhZY WnhiVi^XZaZXig^X^inXVcXVjhZZmeadh^dchdg[^gZ#Id gZYjXZi]^hg^h`!bV`ZhjgZVaaYjhia^cZhVgZi]dg" dj\]an\gdjcYZYWnjh^c\V\gdjcY^c\l^gZ#

REGULAR CLEANING. GZ\jaVgan X]ZX`$Zbein i]Z XdaaZXi^dc WV\h dg Ygjb id Vkd^Y i]Z Wj^aYje d[[^cZYjhii]ViXVc^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[[^gZ#BV`Z hjgZidgZ\jaVganXaZVci]ZhjggdjcY^c\VgZVl]ZgZ i]ZbVX]^cZ^hdeZgViZY ZmXZhh^kZYjhiWj^aYje dc dkZg]ZVY a^\]ih! ]ZViZgh! ZaZXig^XVa eVcZah! dg di]Zg]ZVihdjgXZhl^aa^cXgZVhZi]Zg^h`d[[^gZ#



Image 15
Contents G0548Z Dust CollectorSs ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Gooan9dXjbZciVidcBVcV\Zg #D#7dm%+ IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info Machine DescriptionG0548Z Identification YZciXVidc#8VhiZg GZVgkZl YZciXVidc# 8VhiZg G1028Z2/G1029Z2 IdentificationHeec\9bZchdch 8Vgidc 8VchiZgcdgbVidc BdYZa%*-O$&%-O$&%.OB\#$%.  Fabric Heec\9bZchdch Machine Label Above Magnetic On/Off Switch Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Dust Collectors Circuit Information Power SupplyAvailability Full-Load Current RatingG1028Z2 Circuit Requirements for 110V Operation G1028Z2 Circuit Requirements for 220V OperationGrounding Requirements To convert the Model G1028Z2 to Voltage ConversionExtension Cords 50 ftUnpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Wear safety glasses dur- ing the entire setup pro- cessG0548Z Inventory Box 1 Figure QtyBox 2 Figure Qty G1028Z2/G1029Z2 Inventory Inventory QtyNot Pictured Qty Floor Load G0548Z AssemblyPlacement Location Site ConsiderationsVh`Zi DjiaZi8dccZXidg8VchiZg Hjeedgi 8VchiZg 7Zai8aVbe LYZdVbHigeXdaaZXidg# CYhBViXZYkZcan =Zm7dai 8VchiZgHViaViG1028Z2/G1029Z2 Assembly 7V\8aVbe 8daaZXidcTo assemble your machine AZm=dhZ =dhZ8aVbe AdlZgDjiaZiaVc\ZAdlZg Hjeedgi 7gVX`Zih AdlZg Hjeedgi 7gVX`Zi8aVbe IiVXc\jeeZgaiZgWV\# IjgciZbVXcZOFF# BdYZa%*-O$&%-O$&%.OB\#$%.  Test RunTo test run the machine  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#  IjgciZbVXcZON#Designing System General Duct MaterialMetal Duct Plastic Duct Flexible DuctSketch a Basic Duct Layout System DesignDecide Who Will Design Sketch Your Shop LayoutDetermine Required CFM of Each Machine Machine ApproximateMachine Total CFM Branch Line Size Determining Main Line Duct SizeDetermining Branch Line Duct Size NdjVkZilddeidch/WyeY Calculating Duct ResistanceDuct Approximate ElbowSystem Grounding AZmdhZ\gdjcYZYidbVXcZ# General OperationsBZiVa9jXiHiVgiZg@i# AccessoriesMetal Branches Reducers & AdaptersMetal Elbows Lubrication MaintenanceBag Cleaning ScheduleEmptying/Replacing Bags To replace the collection bag chiVaaVcZlXdaaZXidcWV\# Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting Motor & ElectricalLdWWaZh# KWgVidcXdbc\ Dust Collector OperationWiring Safety Instructions Wiring220V Nema 6-15 Plug As Recommended G0548Z Wiring DiagramSwitch MotorG1028Z2 Wiring Diagram HliX#?jcXidc7dm5&&%K# ?jcXidc7dm5%K# ?jcXidc7dm# HliX# G1029Z2 Wiring DiagramG0548Z Main Breakdown PartsG0548Z Main Parts List Description H5783 Canister Filter AssemblyG1028Z2/G1029Z2 Parts Breakdown G1029Z2 Parts List G1028Z2 Parts List10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! HZcYVgooan8ViVad\idVgZcY 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY

G0548Z, G1029Z2, G1028Z2 specifications

Grizzly Industrial is a renowned name in the woodworking and metalworking equipment industry, offering a broad range of high-quality tools tailored for both professionals and hobbyists. Among their diverse product lineup, the Grizzly G1028Z2, G1029Z2, and G0548Z stand out as exceptional dust collection systems designed to enhance the efficiency of workshops while ensuring a clean working environment.

The Grizzly G1028Z2 is a powerful 1 HP dust collector that features a 12-gallon bag capacity. This model is equipped with a 4-inch inlet, making it compatible with various tools, such as table saws, band saws, and planers. The design incorporates a two-bag system: a lower collection bag for debris and an upper filter bag that captures fine dust particles. The G1028Z2 is particularly praised for its quiet operation, allowing users to focus on their projects without disruptive noise.

Moving up in power and capacity, the G1029Z2 offers a robust 1.5 HP motor and a larger 2-bag configuration. This model boasts a 12-inch impeller, enabling it to handle heavier workloads effortlessly. The G1029Z2 is designed with an easy-to-empty bag and a sturdy metal housing, enhancing durability and ease of use. Its large collection capacity coupled with strong suction makes it an ideal choice for larger workshops that generate significant dust and debris.

The Grizzly G0548Z is another advanced option, featuring a 2 HP motor and a 1,000 CFM capacity, making it suitable for more extensive setups. One of the notable features of the G0548Z is its cyclone-style dust collection, which efficiently separates dust from airflow, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the system. With a 14-gallon collection capacity and a 6-inch inlet, this model caters to commercial applications and larger-scale woodworking projects. The G0548Z also incorporates a clear Vue bag, allowing users to visually monitor dust levels without opening the unit.

Each of these Grizzly dust collection systems emphasizes user-friendly design, ease of maintenance, and efficient performance. They include features such as quick-release clamps for bag changes and vibration-resistant frames for stability during operation. With these models, woodworkers can elevate their craftsmanship while keeping their workspace clean and organized, thereby improving both productivity and safety. Overall, the Grizzly G1028Z2, G1029Z2, and G0548Z are exemplary choices for anyone invested in a cleaner, more effective woodworking experience.