Oscillation Speed | Choosing Sandpaper | |
I]ZdhX^aaVi^dcheZZYd[i]ZhVcY^c\WZai^hVY_jhi" VWaZ# 9^[[ZgZci dhX^aaVi^c\ heZZYh n^ZaY Y^[[ZgZci hVcY^c\ gZhjaih# LZ gZXdbbZcY ign^c\ kVg^djh heZZYh dc V hXgVe e^ZXZ d[ lddY h^b^aVg id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ WZ^c\ jhZY# I]Z dhX^aaVi^dc heZZY ^h bZVhjgZY Wn ]dl adc\ ^i iV`Zh i]Z WZai id bdkZ [gdbdcZh^YZidi]Zdi]Zg#
Tools NeededQty
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To adjust the oscillation speed:
1. AddhZc i]Z adX` cji dc i]Z heZZY Xdcigda VY_jhibZci`cdWFigure 30#
Figure 30#HeZZYXdcigdaVY_jhibZci`cdW#
2. Ijgc i]Z `cdW XadX`l^hZ id YZXgZVhZ i]Z dhX^aaVi^dc heZZY VcY XdjciZgXadX`l^hZ id ^cXgZVhZ^i#
Note: To
3. I^\]iZc i]Z adX` cji addhZcZY ^c Step 1 id hZXjgZi]Z`cdW#
6hndjZmeZg^ZbZcil^i]Y^[[ZgZcidhX^aaVi^dc heZZYh!bV`ZVcdiZd[i]Zi^b^c\[gdbdcZ h^YZidi]Zdi]Zgl]Zcndj[^cYi]ZWZhihVcY" ^c\ gZhjaih# I]Vi lVn ndj XVc gZVY_jhi i]Z dhX^aaVi^dcheZZYaViZg^[hVcY^c\i]ViineZd[ bViZg^VaV\V^c#
L]ZchZaZXi^c\hVcYeVeZg!`ZZe^cb^cYi]Vii]Z BdYZa<%+,,VXXZeihdcan'*l^YZWn+%adc\ WZaih# I]Z \g^i ndj X]ddhZ l^aa YZeZcY dc i]Z ineZd[ldg`!i]ZheZX^Zhd[lddYVcYi]ZhiV\Z d[ [^c^h]^c\# L]Zc X]ddh^c\ l]^X] hVcYeVeZg id jhZ!jhZi]ZhZ\g^icjbWZghVhV\ZcZgVa\j^YZid hVcYeVeZgineZ/
GritType +%dgaZhh##################################################8dVghZ
LZ gZXdbbZcY jh^c\ Vajb^cjb dm^YZ hVcY^c\ WZaih [dg WZhi gZhjaih# I]Z \ZcZgVa gjaZ d[ i]jbW ^h id hVcY V ldg`e^ZXZ l^i] egd\gZhh^kZan ]^\]Zg \g^i cjbWZgh! l^i] cd dcZ \g^i ^cXgZVhZ d[ bdgZ i]Vc *%0 ]dlZkZg! i]Z ineZ d[ lddY VcY YZh^gZY [^c^h] l^aa YZiZgb^cZ i]Z WZhi \g^i id jhZ# Note: Sandpaper finer than 150 grit can often load up or burn workpieces.
Sanding Belt
To replace the sanding belt/
1. ;daadlSteps
2. GZbdkZi]ZhVcY^c\WZai#
3. BV`^c\hjgZi]ZgdiVi^dcVggdlhdci]ZhVcY" ^c\ WZai ed^ci i]Z hVbZ Y^gZXi^dc Vh i]dhZ h]dlc ^c Figure 18 dc Page 19! ^chiVaa i]Z cZlhVcY^c\WZaiWnhiVgi^c\[^ghidci]ZjeeZg gdaaZg!VcYi]Zci]ZadlZggdaaZg#
Note: The sanding belt must be centered between the limit switches and the edge of the sanding belt must be between tongs of the oscillation controller as shown in Figure 18 on Page 19. Damage to the sanding belt could occur if the sander is turned ON before the sanding belt is correctly positioned.