Grizzly T24463, T24464 Additional Safety Instructions for Grinders, BdYZahI+$I+B\#HcXZ%&$&

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Additional Safety Instructions for Grinders

SAFE MOUNTING & WORK AREA. 6c jchZ" XjgZY \g^cYZg bVn WZXdbZ YVc\Zgdjhan dji d[ Xdcigda Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc# 7Z[dgZ jhZ! kZg^[n i]Z \g^cYZg^h;>GBANhZXjgZY!VcYi]VicdZmeadh^kZ dg[aVbbVWaZbViZg^VahVgZcZVgWn#

RING TEST. EZg[dgb V g^c\ iZhi dc \g^cY^c\ l]ZZahWZ[dgZ^chiVaaVi^dcidZchjgZi]Vii]ZnVgZ hV[Z id jhZ# 6 l]ZZa i]Vi YdZh cdi eVhh i]Z g^c\ iZhibVnWgZV`dg[anVeVgiYjg^c\deZgVi^dc#

WHEEL SPEED RATING. L]ZZah deZgViZY Vi V [VhiZg heZZY i]Vc gViZY [dg bVn WgZV` dg Wjghi# 7Z[dgZbdjci^c\VcZll]ZZa!WZhjgZi]Zl]ZZa GEBgVi^c\^hZfjVadg]^\]Zgi]Vci]ZheZZYd[i]Z \g^cYZg#CZkZgjhZjcbVg`ZYl]ZZah#

SPARK DEFLECTOR.@ZZei]Z\VeWZilZZci]Z ZcYd[i]ZheVg`YZ[aZXidgVcYi]Z\g^cY^c\l]ZZa WZilZZc&¿-VcY&¿)#>[i]Z\Ve^haVg\Zg!ZmXZhh^kZ heVg`hVcYVWgVh^kZhXVcWZZmeZaaZYidlVgYi]Z deZgVidg#

TOOL REST.>[i]ZiddagZhi^hidd[VgVlVn[gdb i]Z l]ZZa! i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ bVn WZ ejaaZY Ydlc! XVjh^c\adhhd[XdcigdaVcYejaa^c\ndjg]VcY^cid i]Z \g^cY^c\ l]ZZa# @ZZe i]Z idda gZhi l^i]^c &¿- [gdbi]Zl]ZZal]ZcdeZgVi^c\#GZeaVXZi]Z\g^cY" ^c\l]ZZal]Zci]ZiddagZhi\Ve^hl^YZgi]Vc&¿- VcYcdVYY^i^dcVaVY_jhibZciXVcWZbVYZ#

WHEEL FLANGES.DcanjhZi]Z[aVc\Zh^cXajY" ZYl^i]i]Z\g^cYZgl]Zcbdjci^c\l]ZZah#Di]Zg [aVc\Zh bVn cdi egdeZgan hZXjgZ i]Z l]ZZa VcY XVjhZVcVXX^YZci#

EYE, FACE, & LUNG PROTECTION. <g^cY^c\ Z_ZXih hbVaa eVgi^XaZh Vi V ]^\] gViZ d[ heZZY# I]ZhZeVgi^XaZhXVcXVjhZWa^cYcZhh!h`^c^c_jg^Zh dg gZhe^gVidgn YVbV\Z# 6AL6NH lZVg VeegdkZY Xadi]^c\!hV[Zin\d\\aZh![VXZh]^ZaY!VcYVgZhe^" gVidg[dgi]ZineZd[\g^cY^c\idWZYdcZ#

SIDE & TOP GRINDING. <g^cY^c\ dc i]Z h^YZ d[ l]ZZah XVc XVjhZ i]Z i]Zb id XgVX` VcY Wjghi jcaZhhi]Zl]ZZa^hgViZY[dgh^YZ\g^cY^c\# <g^cY^c\ dc i]Z ide d[ l]ZZah \gZVian ^cXgZVhZh i]Z g^h` d[ ldg`e^ZXZ `^X`WVX`# 6alVnh \g^cY dc i]ZYdlclVgYeVgid[i]Zl]ZZa#

HAND & WHEEL CONTACT. @ZZe V [^gb \g^e dci]Zldg`e^ZXZVcYedh^i^dcndjg]VcYhVhV[Z Y^hiVcXZ VlVn l]Zc \g^cY^c\# 6ci^X^eViZ l]Zc i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ l^aa ]ZVi je! VcY Xdda ^i WZ[dgZ ^i WZXdbZh idd ]di id ]daY! dg jhZ Vc Veegdeg^ViZ XaVbe# 6kd^Y lZVg^c\ \adkZh Vh i]Zn bVn \Zi XVj\]i ^c i]Z \g^cY^c\ l]ZZa VcY XVjhZ ZkZc bdgZhZg^djhZciVc\aZbZci^c_jg^Zh#

STARTING GRINDER. >[ V l]ZZa ^h YVbV\ZY! ^i l^aa jhjVaan [an VeVgi h]dgian V[iZg hiVgi"je# Id egdiZXindjghZa[!ValVnhhiVcYidi]Zh^YZd[i]Z \g^cYZgl]Zcijgc^c\^iONVcYVaadl^iidgjcV [jaab^cjiZWZ[dgZhiVcY^c\^c[gdcid[^i#

Like all machinery there is potential dan- ger when operating this bench grinder. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this bench grinder with respect and caution to lessen the possibility of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.

No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious per- sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results.



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Contents BdYZaI+ Bench GrindersSs ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy Contact Info IntroductionMachine Description NdjgBVXcZHVZin HZaY HeVg` HVZinHZaY9ZaZXidg $BV\cZg IdentificationJVgY GZhi BdYZahI+$I+B\#HcXZ%&$&Model T24463, T24464 Bench Grinders Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety Instructions for Grinders Availability Power SupplyFull-Load Current Rating Circuit RequirementsExtension Cords Grounding & Plug RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 16 AWG 50 ftNeeded for Setup SetupUnpacking Description QtyModel T24463 Inventory InventoryModel T24464 Inventory Box 1 Figure Qty 7ZcXgcYZgl$gcYc\Site Considerations Through Mount with Rubber Feet MountingThrough Mounting Surface MountingTool Rest Adjustment Spark Deflector AdjustmentVhiZnVgZhdlcc # &¿-¶&¿Connecting Power  Power Connection Test RunDisconnecting Power To test run the machineOperation Overview Operations EdhidchiZhVZinhZaYdghVZ\gcYc\# 13. HidehiZWZcX\gcYZg# BdYZahI+$I+B\#HcXZ%&$&Wheel Selection Basic format for wheel numbering isEgZm Wheel Dressing Wheel InspectionTo perform a Ring Test For Model T24464To remove and install a grinding wheel Wheel Removal InstallationFigure18#GZeaVXZbZci\gcYc\lZZah# AccessoriesSchedule MaintenanceGrinding Wheels Replacing Light BulbService TroubleshootingHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc Wiring Safety Instructions WiringShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc XdbedcZcih#T24463 Wiring 120 VACDC$DHLI8= kZlZYgdbWZcY DC$DHLI8= kZlZYgdbWZcY BdYZahI+$I+B\#HcXZ%&$& T24464 WiringParts Description T24463 Parts ListT24464 T24464 Parts List T24463/T24464 Labels 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZWarranty & Returns Order Hours a DAY