Grinding Wheels
Abrasive Wheels for Circular Saws
A24R-BF – Aluminum oxide grain, 24 grit grain size, in the middle range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
C24R-BF – Silicon carbide grain, 24 grit grain size, in the medium range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
A/CS30R-BF – Aluminum oxide and silicon carbide blended grain, 30 grit grain size, in the middle range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
AS30INOX-BF – Aluminum oxide grain specially formulated for use with stainless steel, 30 grit grain size. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
Item # | Diameter | Arbor | Max. RPM | Grit | Application |
g CC1M600 | 6" x 3/32" | 5/8" ◊ | 10,200 | A24R-BF | Metal cutting |
g CC1M700 | 7" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 8,600 | A24R-BF | Metal cutting |
g CC1M800 | 8" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 7,600 | A24R-BF | Metal cutting |
g CC1C650 | 6" x 3/32" | 5/8" ◊ | 10,200 | C24R-BF | Concrete / masonry cutting |
g CC1C700 | 7" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 8,600 | C24R-BF | Concrete / masonry cutting |
g CC1C800 | 8" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 7,600 | C24R-BF | Concrete / masonry cutting |
CC1MC600 | 6" x 3/32" | 5/8" ◊ | 10,200 | A/CS30R-BF | Multi-material cutting |
CC1MC700 | 7" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 8,600 | A/CS30R-BF | Multi-material cutting |
g CC1S600 | 6" x 3/32" | 5/8" ◊ | 10,200 | AS30INOX-BF | Stainless / metal cutting |
g CC1S700 | 7" x 1/8" | 5/8" ◊ | 8,600 | AS30INOX-BF | Stainless / metal cutting |
Abrasive Wheels for Cutoff Machines
A24N-BF - Aluminum oxide grain, 24 grit grain size, in the soft range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
AS36T-BF - Aluminum oxide grain specially formulated for use with stainless steel, 36 grit grain size, in the hard range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
AS36TX-BF - Aluminum oxide grain specially formulated for cutting studs, 36 grit grain size, in the hard range on the bond hardness scale. Resin bond and fiberglass reinforcing.
Item # | Wheel Diameter | Arbor Size | Max. RPM | Grit | Application |
g CWCS1M1000 | 10" x 1/8" | 5/8" | 6,100 | A24N-BF | Metal cutting |
g CWCS1M1200 | 12" x 7/64" | 1" | 5,100 | A24N-BF | Metal cutting |
g CWCS1M14SC | 14" x 3/32" | 1" | 4,400 | AS36TX-BF | Stud cutting, stainless steel |
g CWCS1M1400 | 14" x 1/8" | 1" | 4,400 | A24N-BF | Metal cutting |
g CWCS1S1200 | 12" x 7/64" | 1" | 6,400 | AS36T-BF | Stainless steel, ferrous metals |
g CWCS1S1400 | 14" x 1/8" | 1" | 4,400 | AS36T-BF | Stainless steel, ferrous metals |
172 | Toll Free: 877-BOSCH-99 |