Excalibur electronic 974 manual Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritsky

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At theGreatbeginningGamesof the game, you may select one of sixteen of the world’s greatest chess games by pressing 2nd, then OPTIONS twice to display GAME, and then pressing the -1or +1 key to select a game number.

Along with the game number, you will see the position of the game after the first two moves were played. Press the CLEAR key to return to normal play starting at move three. You take the winning side. The display will show your total great-game score in two digits (zero at the start) on the left. On the right, the display also shows the amount of points you will win if you play the correct next great- game move.

If you don’t play the correct great-game move, an error buzz will sound and the points for this move will be divided in half. If the bonus goes to zero, the correct move will automatically flash. Most moves start with 4 bonus points, but some brilliant moves start with 8 points.

Go online to the World Chess Hall of Fame & Sidney Samole Museum to find out more about chess and chess greats:



The number, players, locations, and dates of the great games are given below, along with a brief explanation of each game. (All game explanations are © 2000 by Al Lawrence; all rights reserved.)

1. Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritsky,

This marvelousLondon,attacking1851game, a King's Gambit, is widely known as "The Immortal Game." Both players show the 19th-century preference for attack at all costs, and Anderssen was one of the most ingenious attackers of all time. After 18. Bd6, he gives away both of his rooks and his queen! In the final position, his tiny force is deployed in just the right way to bring the complete Black army to its knees.

2. Adolf Anderssen vs. J. Dufresne,

Again we see AnderssenBerlin, 1852bamboozling his opponent. The game starts as an Evan's Gambit, a form of the Giuoco Piano. White's 19th move, Rad1!! is one of the most cele- brated in the history of the game. With his reply, … Qxf3, Black actually wins a knight and threatens mate. You'd think that would be enough! But Anderssen follows with a rook and queen sacrifice that forces check- mate in a shower of brilliant blows. This classic is known as the "Evergreen Game."

3. Paul Morphy vs. Duke Karl & Count

While in ParisIsouard,at theParis,opera,1858the brilliant, unofficial world champion from New Orleans plays an offhand game against two noblemen. In this case, we're sure it was over before the fat lady sang! In a Philidor Defense, the team of two played a weak 3. … Bg5 that left Morphy with superior

(more of his pieces are

deployed)evelopmentand the(two bishops against a bishop bishopand knight)pair. These two important advantages were all Morphy need- ed. After Black wastes even more time with another pawn move, 9. … b5?, Morphy hits

the duo with a series of brilliant sacrifices to

this case a blunder


because his kingside is

mate. Victory of mind over material is the

attacked by many pieces and not effectively

poetry of chess.

defended. White's sparkling 9. Bxh7+ is an

4.Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Kurt von

example of a bishop sacrifice that's hap-

Bardeleben, Hastings, 1895

pened so often it has a name—the "Greek

Wilhelm Steinitz, the first official world

Gift." White's 14. Nxe6+ is an example of a

champion, begins this game as a Giuoco

dis overed check, the dive bomber of

Piano. He maneuvers deftly to keep his

the chessboard. White's amusing 15th move

opponent from castling into safety. Then he

is a very rare example of checkmate with the

sacrifices his pawn on d5 so that he can

en passant capture.

make the square available for his knight. But

7. Edward Lasker vs. George Thomas,

the most brilliant move of the game is 22.

London, 1910

Rxe7+. At first glance, it simply looks like a

This masterpiece, a Dutch Defense, features

blunder. All of White's pieces are attacked,

a famous example of the king’s walk to

and if Black wasn't in check, he could play

mate. Edward, an American distant cousin of

… Rxc1+ with mate next. But if Black can't

the great world champion Emmanuel Lasker,

take the rook—with either his king or

gets his pieces activated against Black's

queen—he loses in all variations. And by not

kingside while the English champion

taking it, he is eventually mated anyway. If

Thomas develops (gets his pieces off the

you're interested in these complex lines, you

back rank and into play) too slowly. By 10.

can find a complete explanation of this clas-

Qh5, White is already threatening an all-out

sic game in many books.

blitzkrieg. His brilliant queen sacrifice 11.

5. Alexander Alekhine vs. O. Tenner,

Qxh7 is followed by a devastating discov-

Cologn , 1911

ered double check, 12. Nxf6++. Then

World Champion Alekhine was a chess

Black's king has to walk the plank, all the

fanatic (he even named his cat "Chess") and

way across the board to g1, the normal spot

one of the greatest attacking players of all

for the White king! Here he breathes his last.

time. Here he plays the unusual Bishop's

8. Wilhelm Steinitz vs. A. Mongredien,

Opening and seems to be developing quietly.

London, 1862

Black even appears to be getting a good

This game starts out as a Center Counter

game just at the time Alekhine is able to play

(also called Scandinavian Defense). Black

the swashbuckling 11. Nxe5, allowing Black

loses too much time developing his pieces,

to capture his queen. Black's king is forced

while White gets his into play aggressively.

to march to the center of the board, an

Indeed, White's army dominates the all-

unhealthy spot for a monarch when so many

important center of the board as well as the

pieces are still on the board, where he is

king's side. This sets the stage for a mating

mated. It's important to understand that such

attack. White's two-move maneuver 13. Rf3

sacrifices don't just happen illogically.

and 14. Rh3 is called a rook lift, and is a

White's pieces again had a dominating com-

typical attacking strategy. This rook then

mand of the board, and Black allowed

sacrifices itself on h7 in a way that allows

White's pressure on f7, Black's most sensi-

Steinitz to bring his other rook quickly into

tive defensive square when he hasn't castled,

the fray. White is a rook down, but all of his

to build into an explosion.

forces take part in the assault, while the

6. Gaudersen vs. Paul, Melbourne, 1928

Black queen's rook and bishop seem to be

This "miniature" of only 15 moves, starts off

waiting for the next game. They don't have

as a French Defense in which White plays

long to wait.

the Advance Variation, placing his pawns on

9. Aaron Nimzovich vs. S. Alapin,

d4 and e5. Black's 8th move, castling, was in 13

Riga, 1913

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Contents Electronic Chess Layout of The New York Times Electronic Chess CenglishSquare from flashing in #1 Special FeaturesPlay a Game Right Away Direction key toOptions Before and During How to ChangeFrom How to UpdateGO key, which will set the num- ber of players back to one Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritsky Jose Capablanca vs. Herman Steiner Setting Up SpecialIf youOperationalmissed whereHintElectronic Time.DOCKER Interrupting a Game Letting Electronic Chess Go FirstSpecial Care Layout du jeu déchecs électronique The New York Manuel d’InstructionsLes Fonctions Primaires Les options préliminaires La partie Options avec La Touche Level En partant de l’affichage duPage Le message de Partie nulle Pendant la partie, la mention « Pour jouer Les pièces noires Pour jouer contre les piècesLe message de fin De partie Instruction des Les niveaux de jeuJeu automatique Reprendre le jeuParties historiques Pour créer votre Propre ouverturePour installer certaines Positions Pour utiliser Setup ModeAjouter ou changer Déplacements Spéciaux Le Docker Quelques suggestions pour Le jeu d’échecsPour laisser le jeu déchecs électronique Pour faire une partieEntretien particulier Pour interrompre Une partiePour jouer sans Pièces Pour une dispositionGarantie limitée à 90 Jours Informations concernant les piles

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