Nintendo 58713A Nintendo WFC Matches, New course is selected prior to the start of each race

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Nintendo WFC Matches

Mario Kart DS Nintendo WFC Match Rules

Players race in four races, earning points based on place in each race. The player with the most points at the end of the match wins.

Wi-Fi Settings

Choose this option to access Nintendo WFC Setup and change your connec- tion settings. Refer to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection instruction booklet for more information.

Match Conditions

Select a Character

Select a Kart

Match conditions: choose any of the following opponent options.


Race against only Mario Kart DS owners registered in your friends roster (or people on your friends' friends rosters) who are currently connected to the Nintendo WFC.


Race against Mario Kart DS owners who have similar racing skills as you.

Regional Racers

Race on the Nintendo WFC against only Mario Kart DS owners who live in your country.

Worldwide Racers

Race on the Nintendo WFC against anyone in the world who owns Mario Kart DS.

To protect your privacy, do not give out personal information such as last name, phone number, birth date, age, e-mail or home address when communicating with others.

The Terms of Use Agreement which governs Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection game play is available in the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection instruction booklet or online at

Select Course

Choose one of 20 courses.

The course with the most votes is the one that will be raced.

In the case of a tie, the course will be chosen randomly from the selected courses.

A new course is selected prior to the start of each race.

Start Your Engines!

When choosing to race against friends, the icon will flash on the top screen when one of your registered friends has been located. However, there may be cases where you are are still unable to be matched up with a friend after the friend call icon has appeared on screen.

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Contents Instruction Booklet Page Getting Started Controls Driving Techniques Items Grand Prix Time Trials Battle MissionsGetting Started ControlstrolsDriving Techniques Mini-TurbosRocket Start DriftUsing Items Using up the firstPress and hold or to deploy an item without using it ItemsEntering a Grand Prix Game ModesodesGrand Prix Time Trials Viewing the Game ScreenResults Display Entering a RaceViewing the Game Screen and Saving Ghost Data Saving Downloaded Ghost DataResults Choose either 50cc, 100cc, or 150ccChoose either In Order, Random, or Choose Current Item Current Lap/Total Laps Rival DisplayShine Runners BattleBalloon Battle Missions RecordsGrand Prix Time TrialsSettings Choose Options to change your game-play settingsOptions EditPlayable courses are limited All tracks available in Single-Player mode can be playedMultiplayer What You Will Need Size-Specific Characteristics Charactersracters && KartsKartsAcceleration Top Speed Medium MarioLuigi Medium Peach LightYoshi Light Light ToadCoursess Nitro CupBowser Heavy Heavy WarioN64 Frappe Snowland Retro CupSnes Mario Circuit Select a Kart Nintendo WFC MatchesNew course is selected prior to the start of each race Friend Codes Important Legal Information