Make sure your Nintendo DS is turned off, then insert the Professor Layton and the Curious Village Game Card into the DS Game Card slot until it clicks into place.
Next, turn on your DS, and the screen on the right will appear. Once you’ve read this screen, tap the Touch Screen to proceed.
*To turn off your DS, press POWER.
To start the game, press or touch the Professor Layton and the Curious Village panel on
the DS Menu Screen.
*If you have your Nintendo DS
Title Screen
At the title screen, you can choose from three options: New Game, Continue, and Bonuses.
*The first time you start up the game, only the New Game option will be visible.
*For more on Bonuses, see page 28.
Starting a New Game
When you tap New Game on the title screen, you will go to the
Continuing a Game
Tap Continue at the title screen to go to the file- selection screen pictured to the right. Tap the file you want to play to resume that saved game.
For more on saving and quitting, see page 24.
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