Nintendo 45496742010 manual  Xtransceiver,  Entralink,  Bridges,  Entree

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You can use the Xtransceiver to talk with up to three nearby friends. You can talk with friends who you’ve exchanged Friend Codes with using Infrared Connection, or with friends who you’ve played with in the Pokémon Wi-Fi Club. To call your friends, tap the Xtransceiver button and choose up to three friends, and then select “CALL FRIEND(S).” When you receive a call from a friend, the Xtransceiver button will flash, and you

will hear a ringtone. Tap the button to answer the call. During conversations with friends, you can use the Touch Screen or various buttons to perform the following actions.


, or

You can speak while pressing one of these. If another player is already



holding one of these down, you cannot speak.



Close the Xtransceiver.



You can use Graffiti Mode to draw on the Touch Screen.


, or

Pause the video function of your camera.



Touch the gauge on the top and bottom to change your voice.


Change your video to appear in black and white, and more.


Double the size of the video display. Only the caller can use this.

During conversations, the top screen will display video streams of all players using Nintendo DSi or Nintendo DSi XL systems. No video will be displayed for players using Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite systems, or for players whose camera functions are restricted via Parental Controls, but these players can still use voice chat. Be careful to protect your privacy by not sharing any personal information when communicating on the Xtransceiver.

Note: When opening and closing the Xtransceiver, a sound will be played from the speakers of your Nintendo DS system regardless of the level you have adjusted the volume to or whether you are using headphones.


The Entralink is an island located in the center of the Unova region. You can’t walk there, but you can warp to it by touching “ENTRALINK” from the “WIRELESS” menu. You cannot warp to the Entralink from the inside of a building or from certain other locations. From the Entralink, you can cross a bridge and enter another player’s world, where you can assist in his or her adventure.

Note: You cannot save your game or use Key Items and moves that can normally be used in the field when you’re inside the Entralink.

Note: If another player is already inside your Entralink, you cannot warp to the Entralink.


There are bridges on the eastern and western (right and left) sides of the island. Stand on a bridge to automatically connect with a nearby player whose C-Gear is turned on. Check the Touch Screen to confirm the connection status, and then cross the bridge to enter that player’s Entralink.

Note: You cannot connect to a player’s Entralink if he or she is not in one

of the eight surrounding towns and cities, one of the surrounding Routes, or if he or she is in the Entralink.


The Entree is a mysterious tree that has Pass Powers, which can assist other people. There is one Entree in each player’s Entralink. You can examine your Entree to see its status and register Pass Powers to your C-Gear. You can examine another player’s Entree and receive missions that require you to assist that player. By completing these missions, your Entree’s “Black

Lv.” or “White Lv.” will rise, and other Pass Powers will become available.



Image 18 Nintendo 45496742010 manual  Xtransceiver,  Entralink,  Bridges,  Entree
Contents Instruction Booklet Important Legal Information Table of Contents How to Play Your Adventure Begins Object of the GameMain Characters Gym Leaders and Badges Continue Basic Controls Starting the GameMain Menu Start SelectPokédex Menu ScreenPokémon BagSave OptionsAbout the Ready Button Menu About Battles Catching Pokémon Training PokémonBuildings in Town Pokémon CenterMusical Theater TMs and HMs How to Use Poké TransferVarious Items Key ItemsCommunication DS Wireless CommunicationsNintendo Wi-Fi Connection Infrared ConnectionGear CustomizationTag Log  Wonder Launcher  Battle Trade Single Battle Double Battle Triple Battle Rotation Friend Codes Survey Radar Feeling Check  Passerby Analytics Bridges  Xtransceiver Entralink  Entree Missions  Pass Power Another Player’s Entralink Entralink worlds you are connected toPokémon Center 2F Pokémon Wireless Club Union Room How to Leave the Entralink GeonetEstablishing the Nintendo DS Wireless Link Nintendo WI-FI ConnectionCommunication Error Setting Up Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Register a Friend Code When You Cannot Connect Pal Pad Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection  Your Friend CodeXtransceiver Your Friend’s StatusVoice Chat BattleGlobal Terminal TradeRandom Matchup  Battle Modes Global Trade Station GTS Battle Formats  Deposit PokémonMusical Photos Battle VideosBattle Subway Pokémon Global Link Pokémon Global LinkRegistering Your Game Sync ID Pokémon Dream WorldGlobal Battle Union Game Sync TroubleshootingWhy have my Pokémon’s move animations stopped displaying?  Tuck In Your Pokémon Other Error Codes Keep getting connection errors. What should I do? Error Codes DirectorWi-Fi Server Development Survey Radar & Tag Mode DesignWi-Fi Battle System Design NOA Product TestingGlobalization Coordinators Special ThanksArtwork Information Coordinators