Amaterasu can equip both a main weapon and a sub weapon. Amaterasu’s attacks vary depending on the weapons equipped. Enemies are much easier to defeat once their vulnerabilities are determined and the best weapons for the fight are prepared.
•Select a Divine Instrument from the list and press the Button.
•Select the Equipment command to bring up a list of weapons that can be equipped. Choose the weapon and decide which slot to equip it to (Main or Sub) and the weapon will be equipped.
•Unequipped Divine Instruments have no effect on Amaterasu’s powers.
DIVINE INSTRUMENTS (attack power increases from top to bottom of the list)
Divine Instruments are used as weapons against the enemy. Divine Instruments differ not only by how much damage they do, but also by the powers they grant Amaterasu. Here are some Divine Instruments.
Divine Retribution This is the first mirror Amaterasu has equipped.
Snarling Beast This reflector once adorned the Tsuta Ruins.
Infinity Judge This is rumored to be the prized possession of a certain merchant.
Devout Beads These rosary beads are thought to lie hidden in a treasure chest somewhere.
Life Beads These are rumored to be lying within the “Gale Shrine.”
Exorcism Beads This finely crafted rosary is said to have been whisked away by a treasure hunter.
Tsumugari This legendary sword was said to have been used a century ago in a battle against a powerful monster.
Seven Strike This valuable sword is kept in the capital to ward off evil.
Blade of Kusanagi This sword is said to be imbued with the power to banish evil. Its current whereabouts are unknown.
Up to three Holy Artifacts can be equipped at one time, granting Amaterasu new powers. Some of these new powers may open the way for Amaterasu to continue the journey.
•Select a Holy Artifact from the list and press the Button.
•Select the Equipment command to bring up a list of accessories that can be equipped. Choose the accessory and you will be asked for confirmation. Decide which of the three slots to equip it to and it will be equipped there.
•Unequipped Holy Artifacts have no effect on Amaterasu’s power.
Accessories like tablets and bells that possess properties giving Amaterasu new powers are called Holy Artifacts. These will greatly aid Amaterasu on the journey. Here are some Holy Artifacts.
This ancient tablet was etched with the power to protect from fire. It allows the holder to swim through molten lava. It does not have enough power to protect the holder in volcanic regions though since there is a time limit to how long it remains effective.
A bell with the power to drive away evil. When this is equipped, it is possible to escape from pursuing Demon Scrolls.
This ink pot is cast from brilliantly shining gold. The Celestial Brush gauge recovers faster when this is equipped.
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