You’ll collect all sorts of cool stuff as you travel around Malibu. These items are placed in your Inventory, which is shown at all times on the Top Screen. To use your Inventory, tap on the arrow in the upper right corner of the Top Screen or press the A Button. The Inventory will then move down to the Touch Screen. Tapping on an item in your Inventory will create a larger Icon of the item in the Top Screen as well as a brief description. To exit Inventory Mode, tap
on the arrow or press the A Button again.
Your Inventory has three Categories: Clues, Gifts and “?” Clues are hints about the suspect you’re pursuing. Gifts are items another character has asked you to find for them. It’s up to you to discover what “?” is. Often, it’s an incomplete item that must be combined with another item in order to become either a clue or a gift.
When in the Gifts Category, give an item to a character by first selecting the item, then choose the Give Command. After you’re returned to Game Screen, tap on the character you want to give the item to. When in the “?” Category, you can use the Combine Command to complete certain items. First, you must have both parts of the item to be completed. Then, select the first part, select the Combine Command, and finally select the second part. If you selected matching parts, the new item will be moved
to the correct Category, either Clues or Gifts.