Disney Interactive Studios Split/Second for Playstation 3 manual Limited Warranty

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A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing. IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay if you or your child experience any of the following health problems or symptoms:

ssDIZZINESSZ• dizziness

ssEYEEOR• eye or MUSCLEmuscle TWITCHESItwitches

ssDISORIENTATION• disorientation

ssANYYINVOLUNTARYYMOVEMENT• any involuntary movement

ssALTEREDTVISION• altered vision D

ssLOSS• loss OFSAWARENESSof awareness

ssSEIZURES• seizures

ORor CONVULSIONconvulsion.



Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure

ss5SE5IN• Use in Aa WELLwell-LITAAREAlit area ANDand KEEPLASkeep as FARfar AWAYAASaway as POSSIBLEPFROMpossible from THEthe TELEVISIONRSCREENtelevision screen. ss!VOIDOLARGE• Avoid large SCREENscreen TELEVISIONStelevisions. 5SEUse THEthe SMALLESTsmallest TELEVISIONtelevision SCREENscreen AVAILABLEavailable.

ss• Avoid prolonged use of the PlayStation®3 SYSTEMsystem. 4AKEKAEake a 15-MINUTEminuteBREAKIDURINGbreak during EACHBHOUReach hour OFKPLAYof play.

ss!VOIDOPLAYINGPWHEN• Avoid playing when YOUyou AREare TIREDtired ORNNEEDor need SLEEPsleep.


Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness, nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness; discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands, arms, or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor.


Use caution when using the DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller motion sensor function. When using the DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller motion sensor function, be cautious of the following points. If the controller hits a person or object, this may cause accidental injury or damage. Before using, check that there is plenty of space around you. When using the controller, grip it firmly to make sure it cannot slip out of your hand. If using a controller that is connected to the PS3™ system with a USB cable, make sure there is enough space for the cable so that the cable will not hit a person or object. Also, take care to avoid pulling the cable out of the PS3™ system while using the controller.


Do not connect your PS3™ system to a projection TV without first consulting the user manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage your TV screen.


ss•Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids. ss•Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat. ss• Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play. ss• Keep this disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean THEHthe DISCdisc WITHwith AAa LINTlint-FREEfree, SOFTsoft, DRYYdry CLOTHcloth, WIPINGwiping INin STRAIGHTstraight LINESNlines FROMfrom CENTERcenter TOto OUTERTouter EDGEedge. .NeverEVERV USESuse solvents or abrasive cleaners.



Publisher warranty required here.


Getting Started




Main Menu


Driving Controls


Winning Power


Triggering Power Plays


Customer Support Information


Limited Warranty


“PlayStation”, “DUALSHOCK” and “SIXAXIS” are registered trademarks and “PS3” is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ESRB rating icons are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.

Image 2
Contents Front Panel Limited Warranty Starting a Before use, carefully read PlayStation3 systemSaved data for PS3 format software System rear is turned on. Insert the Split/Second discSaved unlockeddata for PS3in format software There for as long as you can Beneath your carDraft Drop in close behind an opponent and stay Land safely

Split/Second for Playstation 3 specifications

Split/Second is an exhilarating racing video game developed by Black Rock Studio and published by Disney Interactive Studios. Launched in 2010 for the PlayStation 3, this title takes players on a high-octane journey through an adrenaline-fueled world where speed meets explosive action.

Set within a fictional reality television show, Split/Second invites players to race against opponents in various dynamic environments. The game’s standout feature is its innovative "Power Play" mechanic, which allows racers to trigger massive environmental explosions and set pieces that can dramatically alter the course of a race. This mechanic not only adds a layer of strategy but also makes each race feel unpredictable and exhilarating.

The game features a wide array of vehicles, including muscle cars, sports cars, and trucks, each meticulously designed to provide a unique driving experience. Players can choose to race in single-player mode or compete against others in multiplayer race modes. The game offers robust customization options, allowing players to tweak their vehicles’ performance, aesthetics, and handling to suit their racing style.

Graphically, Split/Second makes impressive use of the PlayStation 3’s capabilities, showcasing stunning visuals and detailed environments that are rich with destructible elements. The environments are set up as elaborate stages of a reality show, featuring urban landscapes, industrial zones, and scenic backdrops that enhance the overall racing experience. The destructible environments tie into the gameplay seamlessly, creating situations where players can cause chaos and take out their opponents in style.

Another significant aspect of Split/Second is its sound design. The game features a high-energy soundtrack that ramps up the intensity of the races, while realistic car sounds immerse players in the experience. Coupled with visually striking graphics, the audio elements combine to create an adrenaline-pumping atmosphere that heightens the racing excitement.

In summary, Disney Interactive Studios' Split/Second for PlayStation 3 distinguishes itself through its thrilling Power Play mechanic, diverse vehicle selection, customizable options, and stunning graphics. By blending the adrenaline of racing with explosive environmental mechanics, Split/Second offers a unique gaming experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats, making it a standout title for racing enthusiasts.