Game Overview
Throttle up your ATV and check your fear at the starting line as you compete against fifteen rival riders in unique
Welcome to Pure.
This is how you jump your ATV in Pure. Pull the left stick down and flick it up immediately before a ramp to
Note: You can use the power accumulated in the Thrill Bar to boost by hitting
the button. However, this will deplete your Thrill Bar meter, so boost wisely!
Thrill Bar
The Thrill Bar indicates what level of tricks you are able to pull off. There are four levels, each increasing in complexity and the amount of boost they give you. They can be activated by filling the level on the Thrill Bar meter.
button tricks are the most basic. As you successfully land tricks, the Thrill Bar begins to fill up. As the bar fills up, more difficult tricks become available, as indicated by the button icons arranged on the Thrill Bar. When the Thrill Bar is empty, only
button tricks are available.
As you fill it up (by landing tricks without crashing), you will be able to do button tricks, and eventually
button tricks. Watch out though, if you
crash or use boost, your Thrill Bar level will reduce and you can temporarily lose the ability to do the more advanced tricks until you build it back up again.
To pull tricks, you have to get air by ,
, or
buttons while pushing the left thumbstick in any one of eight directions – UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT or any of the four diagonals. You can only perform
button tricks if your Thrill Bar level is high enough at the time. Try pulling trick combos but just make sure you have enough air!
Note: You can “tweak” tricks by holding L1 or R1 buttons while performing a trick.
You earn boost by doing tricks and you can use boost to help you win races. You can use the power accumulated in the Thrill Bar to boost by hitting the button. However, this will deplete your Thrill Bar meter, so boost wisely! Saving up boost is always a good idea.
Special Tricks
Each rider has their own signature Special Trick and up to seven further Special Tricks. Some of these extra Special Tricks are available right away and others are unlocked by playing through the World Tour.
Once you’ve earned a special trick by completely filling your Thrill Bar, it can only be taken away by crashing. Unlike the other trick types, you don’t lose your Special Trick when you boost. This means that you can use your entire bar of boost if you need to because you can fill the Bar right back up again if you perform another Special Trick.
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