playing the game
In-Game Display
3 | 4 |
1.Health Meter – The green meter displays the amount of Health your Skylander has.
2.Experience Meter – When the grey meter is filled,
your Skylander will level up. Earn Experience Orbs |
| 7 | 1 |
to fill the meter by defeating enemies and collecting | 8 |
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Radiance energy. | 2 |
| 6 |
3. Radiance – Displays the amount of Radiance
collected. | 5 |
4.Hektore Clock – Displays the amount of time left before Hektore catches you.
5.Skylander Selection – Displays the Skylanders you can currently choose between. You can load up to two Skylanders into your game by visiting Wendel in the Sanctuary.
6.Skylander Level – Reflects the experience level of your Skylander.
7.Skylander Name – Name of your Skylander.
8.Element Symbol – Represents the element of your current Skylander.
Hektore is a fearsome invader from the Outlands who has invaded the Radiant Isles. He wants to steal their power for himself. If you collect a crystal or do something else to attract Hektore’s attention, he will try to stop you!
A timer will be displayed on the screen when Hektore is chasing you. If you don’t successfully complete the level before time runs out, Hektore will catch you! You will have to retry that level if he does. Collect Clocks in the level to gain more time
to escape.