1 Navigation tips
Navigating in the HTML document
To navigate through the documentation sequentially:
•Click the Next arrow () for the next topic
•Click Previous arrow () for the previous topic Navigating using the Internet browser toolbar:
•To return to the last page you viewed, click the Back button on the browser toolbar.
•To return to one of the last nine pages you viewed in this session, click the down arrow to the side of the Back or Forward button on the browser toolbar, and then click the page you want from the list.
Navigating to documentation on the HP website
•From the URLs in this guide, you may need to make several selections to get to your specific server documentation.
•For online access to technical documentation,
•For the latest versions of selected technical documentation, go to http://www.hp.com/go/bizsupport (http://www.hp.com/go/bizsupport).
4Navigation tips