HP VCX Software manual

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Appendix E. License Conditions

under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you un- der this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

9.You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. There- fore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.

10.Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

11.If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For exam- ple, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular cir- cumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.

12.If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Li- brary under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation ex- cluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.


Image 395
Contents Version 3Com Telecommuting ModulePage United States Government Legend Page Table of Contents Page Part I. Introduction to 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Page Configuration alternatives What is a Telecommuting Module?Introduction to 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module DMZ/LAN Configuration DMZ ConfigurationStandalone Configuration Quick guide to 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module installationIntroduction to 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module About settings in 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Introduction to 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Installation with a serial cable Installing 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting ModuleInstallation Installation with magic pingPage Page Page Page Installation with a diskette Page Page Remember to lock up the Telecommuting Module Turning off a Telecommuting ModuleInstalling 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Log on again Configuring 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting ModuleLogging on Site Map NavigationLog out Network Configuration AdministrationSIP Services Basic ConfigurationVirtual Private Networks Quality of ServiceOverview of configuration FailoverPreliminary and permanent configuration Page Mask/Bits IP addressNo. of computers Mask Bits Name queries in 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting ModulePage Configuring 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Part II. How To Page Networks and Computers How To Configure SIPDMZ Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the WAN Surroundings Interoperability Basic SettingsRouting FilteringSave/Load Configuration DMZ Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the LANNetworks and Computers Basic Settings Routing Standalone Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the WAN Basic Settings Filtering Standalone Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the LAN Client SettingsBasic Settings Interoperability DMZ/LAN Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the WAN Basic Settings Filtering DMZ/LAN Telecommuting Module, SIP server on the LAN Interoperability Filtering LAN Telecommuting Module Surroundings Filtering Remote SIP Connectivity Firewall How To Configure SIP Outgoing Calls How To Configure Advanced SIPShow One Number When Calling Show Different Numbers When Calling Incoming Calls Page Authentication by Accounts a.k.a SIP Trunk via SIP accounts Page Page Page Incoming Calls Page Multiple Operators Least Cost Routing Page Multiple PBXs How To Configure Advanced SIP How To Configure Advanced SIP Page Page Page Page Name of this Telecommuting Module Basic ConfigurationBasic Configuration GeneralPolicy For Ping To Your 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Default domain IP PolicyDNS Servers Look up all IP addresses again Access ControlCancel SaveConfiguration Transport User Authentication For Web Interface AccessConfiguration Allowed Via Interface Configuration via Https Configuration via HttpDNS Name Or Network Address Configuration ComputersConfiguration via SSH Via IPsec Peer Network addressNetmask/Bits RangeRadius Secret Radius ServersRadius server PortStatus for Radius Servers IdentifierContact IP Address Consecutive sends ScoreSent requests Received repliesValue Configuration of a Radius serverNode location Snmp v1 and v2cTelecommuting Module IP address to respond to Snmp requests Contact personCommunity Access via SNMPv1 and SNMPv2cAccess via SNMPv3 SnmpUser PasswordAuthentication Snmp TrapsVersion Resource MonitoringTrap sending function Trap receiverCPU Load Trap Levels Download the 3Com MIBSIP Sessions Trap Levels SIP User Registrations Trap LevelsUse DynDNS Dynamic DNS updateDynDNS service DynDNS General ConfigurationUsername IP address for updatesUser, Smtp Server Wildcard hostnames Offline URL redirectionDNS Name DNS Names to Update at DynDNSSmtp server is backup Smtp serverCertificate CertificatesPrivate Certificates NameCreate certificate or certificate request CA Certificates CA Certificate TimeoutsAdvanced Timeout for Icmp connections Timeout for one-way UDP connectionsTimeout for two-way UDP connections Timeout for established TCP connectionsDMZ/LAN Configuration Change Telecommuting Module Type to Telecommuting Module Type configurationCurrent Telecommuting Module Type Change type Test Preliminary Configuration AdministrationDuration of limited test mode Save/Load ConfigurationApply configuration BackupShow Message About Unapplied Changes Save/Load CLI Command File Reload Factory Configuration Show ConfigurationRevert to Old Configurations Abort All EditsOld password User AdministrationPassword For the ’admin’ Account Account Type New password, Confirm passwordChange administration password Other AccountsCurrently Logged In Administrators Step UpgradeUpgrade Log OutTable Look Try the upgradeAccept upgrade Abort upgradeEdit Column Change Time Zone Date and TimeSet date and time manually Change Date and Time ManuallyDate TimeSynchronize time with NTP NTP Servers To Use If NTP Is EnabledChange Date and Time With NTP Automatic Restart of the SIP Module Reboot Your 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting ModuleRestart Restart the SIP ModuleAdministration Administration 118 Networks and Computers Network ConfigurationLower Limit NameSubgroup Create Upper LimitInterface/VLAN Delete RowInterface Default GatewayMain Default Gateways PriorityGateway Reference Hosts Policy For Packets From Unused GatewaysInterface name Interface Network Interface 1Physical device Obtain IP Address Dynamically Directly Connected NetworksVlan Name AliasBroadcast address Vlan IdStatic Routing Router Routed networkNamed VLANs VlanInterface Status Interface StatusPPPoE Client Status Dhcp Client StatusKeep Alive AuthenticationPPPoE Log class for PPPoE negotiations SurroundingsLCP echo-request interval Additional Negotiators Data InterfacesNetwork Select a data interface here Network Configuration 136 Display log LoggingDisplay Log Search the LogPacket Selection Support ReportAll IP protocols Packet Type SelectionIP Address Selection Protocol/Port SelectionIcmp IP addresses SIP Packet SelectionCall-ID SIP MethodsTime Limits Show newest at top Show ThisExport the Log Clear form LogRST Display LoadUnit Packet LoadTime Period DirectionValue View diagram DiagramDiagram Size Diagram HeadingLog class for broadcast packets Inbound TrafficLog class for non-SIP packets Log class for spoofed packetsLog class for Dhcp requests Log class for email errorsLog class for Radius errors Log class for Snmp errorsLog class for ESP packets VPN EventsLog class for IPsec key negotiations Log class for IPsec key negotiation debug messagesSIP Events Other Local Log Log ClassesEmail Address Syslog Log SendingSyslog Servers Smtp ServerStatus for Outbound Email Reverts the fields to the previous configuration 157 Logging 158 SIP Module SIP ServicesAdministration of SIP Basic SettingsComment Additional SIP Signaling PortsProvisioning Relay TransportSIP Servers To Monitor SIP Media Port RangePublic IP address for NATed Telecommuting Module Server SIP LoggingLog class for SIP signaling Relaxed Refer-To InteroperabilityLoose Routing Except this from translation Remove Via HeadersTranslation Exceptions SIP ServerAlways Translate This Expires HeaderForce Translation URI Encoding User Matching Signaling Order of Re-INVITEsLoose Username Check Force Record-Route for All Requests Accept RTP/AVP With sdescriptionsTransmit RTP/AVP With sdescriptions Force Record-Route for Outbound RequestsAccept TCP Marked As TLS Force Remote TLS Connection ReuseRemove Headers in 180 Responses Allow Large UDP PacketsPreserve RFC 2543 Hold Forward Cancel BodyUse Cancel Body In ACK Convert Escaped Whitespaces in URIs Allow RFC 2069 AuthenticationOpen Port 6891 For File Transfer Ports and the maddr Attribute Keep User-Agent Header When Acting as B2BUAStrip ICE Attributes Session Configuration Session timerTimeout for SIP over TCP/TLS Sessions and MediaLimitation of sender of media streams Media ConfigurationAllowed number of concurrent sessions Limitation of RTP Codecs This Codec Is Allowed CodecsType NameRing Tone for Local Ringback Local RingbackMusic on Hold Redirection Local Ringback Played at Call TransferSIP blacklist interval Default timeout for Invite requestsMaximum timeout for Invite requests RequestsMaximum number of retransmissions for non-INVITE requests Base retransmission timeout for SIP requestsRemote SIP Connectivity Maximum number of retransmissions for Invite requestsStun ports Stun ServerStun server Stun server IP addressesIP Address for Remote Clients Remote Clients Signaling ForwardingRemote NAT Traversal Remote NAT traversalNAT keepalive method NAT timeout for UDPNAT timeout for TCP Forward Signaling from IP AddressSIP Methods SIP TrafficAuth MethodTraffic To AllowAction FilteringSender IP Filter Rules From NetworkAllow Content TypesDefault Policy For SIP Requests Content TypeHeader Filter Rules Local SIP Domains Default Header Filter PolicyLocal Registrar Domain Local SIP User DatabaseRegister From Authentication and AccountingAuthentication Name SIP User Database Authentication settingsNetwork Asserted-IdentityUse P-Asserted-Identity Trusted DomainsEmergency Number Dial PlanRadius Accounting Use Dial PlanReg Expr Matching From HeaderTail Matching Request-URIPrefix HeadMin. Tail Forward ToSubno Replacement URIDial Plan Enum Root Request-URIForward To Add PrefixRegister in Dial Plan Methods in Dial PlanMethod Enum Root RoutingDNS Override For SIP Requests Port WeightSIP Routing Order Relay ToRouting Function Class 3xx Message ProcessingUser Static RegistrationsRequests To User Also Forward ToSip/sips Local Refer HandlingAlways handle Refer locally For clients not supporting ReferFrom URIs For Which Refer is Handled Locally For clients not supporting replacesFor dialogs with specified From URI For dialogs with specified User-Agent headerRestrict Incoming Callers User RoutingAlias Action ForwardSend To Voice Mail Voice Mail Server Domain or IP Address Outbound ProxyFrom Domain Request-URI DomainGateway Tel URIsMonitored SIP Servers Registrar and Session StatusActive Sessions Registered from Registered UsersMonitored SIP server Monitored SIP server statusIP Address Selection ToolsPacket Capture Network Interface SelectionTools Any Icmp Test Results Check NetworkCollect data Check NetworkPage Tools 222 SIP over TCP/TLS Firewall and Client ConfigurationDMZ type SIP over UDPSIP clients DMZ/LAN typeStandalone type SIP clients Part IV Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Serial Console Page Main Menu Basic AdministrationConnecting to the serial console Wipe email logs Set passwordCommand line interface Exit adminDeactivate other interfaces Physical device nameConfigure from multiple computers Configure from a single computerPassword Wipe email logs Exit admin Set passwordBasic Administration 236 Help and Troubleshooting Command Line ReferenceCommand Reference Modifying Tables Revert-edits List-tablesLoad-factory Modify-rowTable Definitions Config.authlogclass Config.allowconfigConfig.allowviainterface Config.mgmtlogclass Config.authenticationConfig.httpservers Config.httpsserversFentalwaysfentinterfaces Failover.ifacerefhostsFent.alwaysfent FentalwaysfentexceptionsFent.mediarelease Fent.mapsignaladdressField Name Field Type Explanation Enabled OnOffToggle Fent.fentkeepalivefirewall.dhcplogclass firewall.defaultpolicyfirewall.blindroutepolicy firewall.broadcastlogclassfirewall.pingpolicy firewall.networkgroupsfirewall.ownlogclass firewall.timeclasses firewall.servicesfirewall.policylogclass firewall.spoofinglogclassIdsips.predefinedipsrules Idsips.activeIpsec.espahlogclass Idsips.ratelimitedipsIpsec.cryptodef Ipsec.espproposalsIpsec.nattkeepalive Ipsec.ikelogclassIpsec.ikeproposals Ipsec.ipsecnetsField Name Field Type Ipsec.plutologclassIpsec.plutoverboselogclass Ipsec.radiusauthserverIpsec.x509cacerts Ipsec.tunnelednetsIpsec.userauthlogclass Misc.dyndns Misc.conntracktimeoutsIpsec.x509cert Misc.dnsserversField Name Field Type Explanation DomainName Misc.dyndnsnameMisc.fversion Misc.ntpserversMonitor.emailalertlogclass Monitor.cpuloadlevelalarmMisc.unitname Misc.usentpMonitor.logclasses Monitor.memorylevelalarmMonitor.radiuserrorslogclass Monitor.hardwarelogclassMonitor.snmpagentlogclass Monitor.siplevelalarmsMonitor.snmpagentaddress Monitor.snmppacketlogclass Monitor.snmpcontactpersonMonitor.snmpmanagementstations Monitor.snmpnodelocationMonitor.snmpv1v2cauth Monitor.snmpv1v2caccessMonitor.snmpv3access Monitor.snmptrapsendingNetwork.aliasaddresses Network.extradefaultgatewaysMonitor.syslogservers Monitor.watchdogsNetwork.pppoe Network.interfacesNetwork.localnets Field Name Field Type Explanation Server DnsIpAddress Network.routetestserversNetwork.routes Network.vlansPptp.pptplogclass Password.adminusersPptp.pptpenable Pptp.grelogclassField Name Field Type Explanation PPTPOwnIpReference Pptp.pptpserveripPptp.pptpusers Pptp.pptpneglogclassQos.classes Qos.bandwidthsQos.egressqueueing Qos.egressdefaultqueueingQos.ingressdefaultqueueing Qos.tagging Qos.ingressqueueingQos.sipcac Qos.statusSip.allowedcodecs Sip.acceleratedtlsSip.active Sip.addexpireheaderSip.codecfiltering Sip.defaultgatewaySip.authmethods Sip.b2buaofferfromtemplateField Name Field Type Explanation DnsIpAddress Sip.emergencySip.externradiusdb Sip.externalrelaySip.forwardtoheader Sip.forwardcancelbodySip.fixfiletransferport Sip.forcemodifyField Name Field Type Explanation Action Sipfilteractionsel Sip.headerfilterdefaultSip.headerfilterrules Sip.ignoreuriportwhenmaddrSip.localdomains Sip.largeudpSip.lcscompanion Sip.listenSip.mediaencryptionpolicy Sip.looserefertoSip.looseusernamecheck Sip.lrtrueField Name Field Type Explanation Portslower PortNumber Sip.mediaencryptionsettingsSip.mediaencryptionsuite Sip.mediaportsSip.mfull Sip.mediatimeoutsSip.mediarestriction Sip.messageSip.musiconhold Sip.optiontimeoutSip.mimetypes Sip.monitorserverSip.preserve2543hold Field Name Field Type Explanation Timeout OptionTimeoutSip.outboundproxy Sip.percent20towhitespaceSip.relayrules Sip.radiusacctSip.recurseon3xxinb2bua Sip.registrarlimitsSip.ringback Sip.removeviaSip.replyconfig Sip.rewritetoforregisterindpSip.rrouteoutbound Sip.routeusesportSip.routingorder Sip.rroutealwaysSip.sipalias Sip.signaladdressfordestinationSip.siperrorslogclass Sip.sessionlimitsSip.sipmessagelogclass Sip.sipsignalinglogclassSip.siplicenselogclass Sip.sipmedialogclassSip.surroundings Sip.tcptimeoutSip.sttype Sip.stripiceattributesSip.tlsservercfg Sip.tlssettingsSip.tlscacerts Sip.tlsclientcfgField Name Field Type Explanation Uriencodingsel Sip.transactionconfigSip.trusteddomain Sip.uriencodingSip.uaregister Sip.usecancelbodyinackSipswitch.accounts Sipswitch.b2buatransferenableField Name Field Type Explanation User AliasAlias Sipswitch.b2buatransferfromuserSipswitch.dialplan Sipswitch.dialplanenableField Name Field Type Explanation Enabled Fallbacksel Sipswitch.dialplanmethodsSipswitch.enumroot Sipswitch.forwardtoField Name Field Type Explanation Url SipWildcardUrl Sipswitch.incomingunauthSipswitch.requestfrom Sipswitch.requesttoSipswitch.users Sipswitch.userroutingVoipsm.voipsm Sipswitch.voicemailUserdb.radiuslocalendpoint Userdb.radiusserversVoipsm.voipsmdomains AdminPasswordAdminTypeSel Field TypesAuthData AdminUserAliasAlias AliasIpReference AliasUserDnsDynIpNetworkInterface DnsDynIpOtherHost CaReferenceCertReference CryptoDefReference DepUsableVlanInterface DnsDynIpAddressEspCryptoReference FirewallLogclassReference DyndnsPasswordDyndnsServiceSel EnumReferenceIpsecAuthSel InterfaceSelInviteRetransmitCount IpsRuleNameMaxReg IsakmpSALifeLogclassReference MaxMessageSizeIntegerOnOffToggleOn NonemptyStringOnOffButton OnOffToggleOptDepOwnIpReference OptDnsAutoRuntimeReachableHost OptDnsIpAddressOptComment OptDSCPIntegerOptIpsecPeerReference OptForwardToReferenceOptIcmpRangeList OptIpsecNetReferenceOptPercentFloat OptPasswordOptServicesReference OptPercentOptTimeclassReference OptionTimeoutOptSipUserDomain OptStringPercent PptpPasswordRegTimeout PPTPOwnIpReferenceSIPRadiusSel SessionTimeoutSipUserDomainDefaultAll SipUserPasswordSubGroup SnmpPasswordTimerAFloat SipWildcardUrlAccountvoicemailsel AccounttypeselBypasstransportsel AddexpireheaderselAutonegsel BlindselFentkeepalivesel ConfigauthselDpactionsel FallbackselMediaencryptionsuitesel FunctionselFwtypesel HitsnumberQostypesel PingpolicyselPolicysel PqueueselRfc2782priority Rfc2782weightRegexpwithAt RestfuncselSipsel SipauthdirselSipfilteractionsel SipfunctionselSttypesel SnmptrapversionselSnmpv3authsel Snmpv3privacyselTlsservermethods SysloglevelselTlsclientmethods Voipsmmethodsel TlsconfselTrusteddomaintransportsel UriencodingselWindownumber CLI command examplesAdd and change firewall rules Apply a configuration Part V. Appendices Page SIP Protocol Why use SIP?Appendix A. More About SIP Configuring the 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Managing Your Own SIP DomainSIP and Firewalls Page Configuring the SIP Clients Configuring the PBXConfiguring the DNS Server Establishing a SIP session SIP SessionsSIP in 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module Contact SIP Packet HeadersRoute Content-TypeVia Record-RouteAppendix A. More About SIP 328 Traffic discarded as spoofed Appendix B. TroubleshootingNetwork troubleshooting No traffic shown in the logSIP Trunking calls via SIP operator SIP troubleshootingSIP users can’t register on the Telecommuting Module SIP users can’t register through the Telecommuting ModuleCall is established, but there is no voice Administration troubleshootingDestination IP addressport is known bad. Skipping SIP errorsLog Messages SIP send failure -1 on socket -1 event numberStopped SIP TCP server IPsec key negotiationsStarting SIP TCP server at port Starting SIP UDP server at portConfiguration server logins Name Port/protocol Description List of the most important reserved portsWWW Cmip Krcmd Kerberos encrypted remote shell -kfall Type Name List of Icmp typesIcmp type Name Code Description Icmp codesType Name Reference Unreachable for Type Protocol number Keyword Internet protocols and their numbersIP intervals Set bits Mask IP address class Class IP in- tervals Reserved IP addressesPage ARP Appendix D. Definitions of termsDMZ 349 Https NAT Nntp 353 PPP SIP Uucp 357 Appendix D. Definitions of terms 358 Terms Appendix E. License ConditionsSoftware developed by Peter Åstrand BSD derived licensesSoftware developed by Carnegie Mellon University Software developed by Cisco Systems Software developed by Gregory M ChristySoftware developed by Digital Equipment Corporation Software developed by Jason Downs Dhcp licenseSoftware developed by Brian Gladman Preamble Software developed by Google, IncGNU General Public License GPL Version 2, JuneGNU General Public License 367 368 No Warranty IBM Public License Software developed in the GIE Dyade cooperation Software developed by Ingate SystemsSoftware developed by Tommi Komulainen USA GNU Library General Public License Lgpl v374 GNU Library General Public License 376 377 Page 379 380 Version 2.1, February GNU Lesser General Public License Lgpl v382 GNU Lesser General Public License 384 385 386 Page Glibc Tzdata 2006a 388 Software in the GNU C distribution Appendix E. License Conditions Appendix E. License Conditions 392 More software in the GNU C distribution 394 License exceptions for gcc/libgcc2.c Disclaimer License exceptions for libstdc++License for lilo LicenseSoftware developed by Paul Mackerras Software developed at M I T Software developed by Pedro Roque MarquesPart 1 CMU/UCD copyright notice BSD like License for Net-SNMPPart 4 Sun Microsystems, Inc. copyright notice BSD Part 5 Sparta, Inc copyright notice BSD Part 6 Cisco/BUPTNIC copyright notice BSD License for OpenSSH License for NTP404 Appendix E. License Conditions 406 407 Snprintf replacement Copyright Patrick Powell 409 License for OpenSSL License for OpenSWAN Release Derived Year Owner GPL- compatible? From Python licenseTerms and Conditions for Accessing or Otherwise Using Python Beopen Python Open Source License Agreement Version Cnri License Agreement for Python CWI License Agreement for Python 0.9.0 Through License for Python Imaging LibraryLicense for Rdisc More software developed by RSA Data Security, Inc Software developed by RSA Data Security, IncLicense for SSL Software developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc License for stunnelLicense for Sun RPC More software developed by Sun Microsystems, IncSoftware developed by Trusted Information Systems, Inc License for termcapSoftware developed by Paul Vixie Software developed by Andrew TridgellVovida Software License, Version Vovida Software License vSoftware developed by Rayan S Zachariassen Software developed at University of California License for zlibOpenswan-kernel 427 Appendix E. License Conditions Appendix E. License Conditions Readlink Appendix E. License Conditions 430 Appendix F. Obtaining Support for Your 3Com Products Register Your Product to Gain Service BenefitsSolve Problems Online Purchase Extended Warranty Professional ServicesAsia, Pacific Rim Telephone Technical Support and Repair Access Software DownloadsContact Us Telephone Technical Support and RepairCountry Telephone Number Latin America Telephone Technical Support and RepairUS and Canada Telephone Technical Support and Repair Index For administrationConfiguration logins From the Telecommuting Module MIBs
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