Figure 5-3 Processes Running with Chromium-DMX Script
Display Node 1
| Xdmx |
Chromium |
| Application | To External |
X Server |
| |
G igE | Network | |
| |
S I |
G igE | G F X |
| To Display |
| Device |
Display Node 2
| Chromium | |
X Server | G igE | |
| |
S I |
G igE |
| G F X |
| To Display |
External Node
X Server
DMX cursor Console
Display Device (2 tiles)
Data Access
For a serial application that uses Chromium, place the data files in a convenient location for your site configuration. One location that provides fast access to data is on a local disk on the Execution Host (the node running your application). Given that the application in this example runs on a single node, there is little to be gained by distributing the data. You can choose the /tmp directory to store data on the local disk.
If you choose to store data locally, you can copy the data file to the display node after the application starts. This ensures that you access a node allocated to your job.
Consider running the launch script interactively if you plan to use local disk access to the data. When run in interactive mode, the script allocates cluster resources first. You can then copy the data file to the allocated display node before launching the visualization application. See “Location for Application Execution and Control” (pg. 39) to determine the Execution Host node for a given Display Surface.
Alternatively, NFS and HP SFS can provide access to the data. Because HP SFS provides high bandwidth access to data over the SI of SVA, use it if performance is a high priority.
See the SVA System Administration Guide for guidelines and alternatives for accessing data files when running visualization applications on the SVA.
Using Display Surfaces
The SVA can display the application output on a
Running a Workstation Application Using a