HP Matrix Operating Environment Software manual HP authorized resellers, Documentation feedback

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Warranty information

HP will replace defective delivery media for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty applies to all Insight Management software products.

HP authorized resellers

For the name of the nearest HP authorized reseller, see the following sources:

In the United States, see the HP U.S. service locator web site: http://www.hp.com/service_locator

In other locations, see the Contact HP worldwide web site: http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/wwcontact.html

Documentation feedback

HP welcomes your feedback. To make comments and suggestions about product documentation, send a message to:


Include the document title and manufacturing part number in your message. All submissions become the property of HP.

Security bulletin and alert policy for non-HP owned software components

Open source software (such as OpenSSL) or third-party software (such as Java) are sometimes included in HP products. HP discloses that the non-HP owned software components listed in the Matrix Operating Environment end user license agreement (EULA) are included with Matrix OE.

To view the EULA, use a text editor to open the /opt/vse/src/README file on an HP-UX CMS, or the <installation-directory>\src\READMEfile on a Windows CMS. (The default installation directory on a Windows CMS is C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server Environment, but this directory can be changed at installation time.)

HP addresses security bulletins for the software components listed in the EULA with the same level of support afforded HP products.

HP is committed to reducing security defects and helping you mitigate the risks associated with security defects when they do occur. HP has a well defined process when a security defect is found that culminates with the publication of a security bulletin. The security bulletin provides you with a high level description of the problem and explains how to mitigate the security defect.

Subscribing to security bulletins

To receive security information (bulletins and alerts) from HP:

1.Open a browser to the HP home page: http://www.hp.com

2.Click the Support & Drivers tab.

3.Click Sign up: driver, support, & security alerts, which appears under Additional Resources in the right navigation pane.

4.Select Business & IT Professionals to open the Subscriber's Choice web page.

5.Do one of the following:

Sign in if you are a registered customer.

Enter your e-mail address to sign-up now. Then, select the box next to Driver and Support alerts and click Continue.

110 Support and other resources

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Contents API and CLI Operations Reference Guide Abstract7.1 Update 1 7.1Contents CMS Data Model Contents Exceptions Example UsageAccessing the Chargeback Web Service Interfaces Sample Java ClientRequiredParameterException Part I Matrix API Introduction Introduction New features in 7.1 UpdateIntegration interface overview New features in 7.1 New featuresPowerCycleLogicalServers LogicalServerGroupDetails EditLogicalServers RemoveLogicalServersQuiesceCms UnquiesceCms GetCmsQuiesceStatus LogicalServerInfoRequestInfo ServiceInfoChargeback TemplateInfoCommand Line Interface Accessing the Web Service InterfacesAccessing Wsdl SecurityExportTemplate OperationsImportTemplate List TemplateInfoGetService ServiceListServices CreateServiceDeleteService DeactivateServicePowerOffService ActivateServiceChangeServiceLease Request PowerOnServiceDeleteReplicaService ListRequestsSetRequestApprovalState GetRequestInfoGetRequest ContinueRequestGetLogicalServerGroup CancelRequestLogical Server Group AddServersToLogicalServerGroupAddDiskToLogicalServerGroup AddNewDiskToLogicalServerGroupSetLogicalServerGroupActiveServerCount RawMappingTypeEnumLogicalServerInfo GetLogicalServerDeactivateLogicalServers LogicalServerDetailsActivateLogicalServers PowerOffLogicalServersPowerOnLogicalServers LogicalServerNotFound Exception Logical ServerRemoveLogicalServers PowerCycleLogicalServersEditLogicalServers ByteSizeEnumGetServerPool Server PoolListServerPools CreateServerPoolAssignUsersToServerPool DeleteServerPoolMoveServerToServerPool GetComputeServer ServerUnassignUsersFromServerPool GetVmHostSoftware SubnetListSanVolumeTemplates ListSanVolumesGetSanVolume GetSanVolumeTemplateGetOrganization OrganizationListOrganizations AssignTemplateToOrganizationUnassignServerFromOrganization By a Service Provider AdministratorAssignServerToOrganization OrganizationName Returns None ExceptionsAssignSoftwareToOrganization AssignSubnetToOrganizationUnassignSubnetFromOrganization SyncOrganizations BeginCmsMaintenanceUnassignSoftwareFromOrganization AddCms EndCmsMaintenanceCountRunningRequestsForCms QuiesceCmsListLoadBalancers LoadBalancerGetCmsQuiesceStatus AddLoadBalancerAddLoadBalancerCertificate SetLoadBalancerPasswordRemoveLoadBalancer RemoveLoadBalancerCertificateCreateLogicalLoadBalancerGroup UnsetLoadBalancerPasswordLogicalLoadBalancer DeleteLogicalLoadBalancerGroupRemoveLogicalLoadBalancerGroupMember FirewallRuleGroupAddLogicalLoadBalancerGroupMember GetFirewallRuleGroupSyncFirewallRuleGroups AddRuleToFirewallRuleGroupRemoveRuleFromFirewallRuleGroup Name AddRuleToFirewallRuleMoveFloatingIPAddress FloatingIPAddressAddFloatingIPAddress RemoveFloatingIPAddressListUnassociatedFloatingIPAddresses ServerSnapshotReleaseFloatingIPAddress ListServerSnapshotsDeleteServerSnapshot CreateServerSnapshotRevertServerSnapshot Snapshot, recursively. Defaults to false Data Model Data ModelCidrIpRange ByteSizeByteSizeEnum CmsQuiesceStateCostFrequencyEnum CostCostFrequency CustomAddressAssignmentTypeAttributeCustomSubnetBindingAttribute CustomStorageVolumeAttributeCustomProcessorAttribute CustomTemplateAttributesDeploymentServiceTypeEnum DeploymentServiceDeploymentServiceType DrModeFirewallRuleGroupDetails FirewallRuleFirewallRuleGroupInfo ImageTypeLeasePeriod IPTypeIPTypeEnum LoadBalancerInfoLogicalIPAddress LogicalDiskLogicalFirewallRuleGroup LogicalLoadBalancerGroupInfo LogicalLoadBalancerDetailsLogicalLoadBalancerGroupDetails LogicalLoadBalancerGroupMemberLogicalNetworkInterface LogicalLoadBalancerProtocolLogicalLoadBalancerProtocolEnum LogicalServerDetailsLogicalServerInfo ServiceEntityStatus statusLogicalServerGroupInfo LogicalSoftware LogicalSubnetNatEntry MessageSeverityMessageSeverityEnum NatTypeProcessorArchitecture PacketProtocolPacketProtocolEnum ProcessorArchitectureEnumRequestHistoryItemLevel RequestDetailsRequestHistoryItem RequestHistoryItemLevelEnumRequestType RequestStatusRequestStatusEnum RequestTypeEnumSanVolumeStateEnum SanVolumeSanVolumeState State cannot be determined SanVolumeTemplateServerPool IDs of the cloud capacity pools in the server poolServerPoolResourceNote ServiceActionServiceActionTrigger trigger ServerResourceServiceDetails ServiceActionTriggerServiceActionTriggerEnum ServiceEntityStatusSoftwareType ServiceInfoSoftwareDiskDefinition SoftwareTypeEnumStorageType StorageProvisioningTypeStorageProvisioningTypeEnum StorageTypeEnumVirtualizationTypeEnum TemplateInfoVirtualizationType VmHostDataStore VirtualSwitchVmHost WorkflowExceptions ServiceNotFoundException SanVolumeNotFoundExceptionSanVolumeTemplateNotFoundException OrganizationNotFoundExceptionTemplateNotFoundException SoftwareNotFoundExceptionSubnetNotFoundException UserNotFoundExceptionExample Usage Physical Server Maintenance ExamplePhysical Server Maintenance Example Sample Java Client Sample Java ClientSample Code Sample Code Sample Java Client IOClientPasswordHandler.java Sample Java Client Sample VisualStudio/.NET/C# Client Add this codeSample VisualStudio/.NET/C# Client String.Format0s, DateTime.NowPage Part II Chargeback API Chargeback Soap API Chargeback Soap APIHttps//cms-ip-address55443/hpio/chargeback/soap/v1?wsdl Accessing the Chargeback Web Service InterfacesAccessing the Chargeback Web Service Interfaces Detailed Usage Report OperationsSummary Usage Report One entry with consolidated data for the entire period List ServiceFilterAggregated Usage Report ServiceUsagePage Data Model FilterConnector enum ServiceFilterServiceFilterAttribute enum PeriodServerUsageSummary ServiceInformationResourceUsageSummary DiskUsageSummaryAggregateServiceUsage ServiceUsagePageServiceUsageSummary ServiceUsageDetailPageDiskUsageDetail IpAddressUsageDetailChargebackDataBaseException AuthenticationExceptionAuthorizationException ChargebackExceptionRequiredParameterException PeriodStartDateGreaterThanEndDateExceptionPeriodStartDateTooOldException PeriodStartDateGreaterThanEndDateExceptionSample Python Client Sample Python ClientPage Example 2 reports.py Pageindex =Page Sample Python Client 101 Sample Python Client Example 3 GUI.py 103Sample Python Client 105 Example 4 reportsfile.py Sample Chargeback Usage Report 107References ReferencesInformation to collect before contacting HP How to contact HPSupport and other resources Information to collect before contacting HPDocumentation feedback Warranty informationHP authorized resellers Subscribing to security bulletinsRelated information Related informationDocumentation and support
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Matrix Operating Environment Software specifications

HP Matrix Operating Environment (MOE) is an innovative software platform designed to deliver efficient management and orchestration of IT resources across physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures. It provides a comprehensive solution for organizations that require a robust and flexible environment to manage their IT operations seamlessly.

One of the main features of HP MOE is its ability to optimize resource utilization by automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure components. This includes the ability to rapidly deploy servers, storage, and networking resources in a manner that meets the dynamic needs of modern businesses. This automation significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual configurations, enabling IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine tasks.

The software offers a unified management interface that provides visibility into the entire IT environment. Users can monitor performance metrics, track resource allocation, and manage workflows through a single dashboard. This centralized control not only simplifies operations but also enhances decision-making capabilities by providing real-time insights into system health and performance.

Another critical characteristic of HP MOE is its support for both physical and virtual resources. The platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure, making it easier for organizations to adopt virtualization and hybrid cloud strategies. Its compatibility with industry-standard hypervisors allows businesses to leverage their current investments while taking advantage of the benefits of virtualization.

HP MOE incorporates advanced technologies such as automation scripts, APIs, and tools for workload balancing. This technological backbone enables organizations to implement elasticity in their environments, allowing them to scale resources up or down based on demand. The software also supports a service-oriented architecture, facilitating integration with other enterprise applications and systems.

Security is a top priority in the design of HP MOE. The software provides robust security features that ensure data integrity and protect against unauthorized access. This includes role-based access controls, encryption, and compliance reporting, all of which contribute to a secure operating environment.

In summary, HP Matrix Operating Environment Software is a powerful solution that addresses the complexities of managing modern IT resources. Its key features include automation, unified management, support for physical and virtual environments, and strong security measures. With its ability to enhance efficiency and streamline operations, HP MOE is an essential tool for organizations looking to stay competitive in an increasingly digital landscape.