HP UX Security Products and Features Software manual RC2

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Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) White Paper

Glossary of CDSA Terms and Acronyms

OID/value pair

An abstract identifer representing a data type and the corresponding value of that data type.

Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP)

A method of encoding a message with a masked random number, then encrypting it.

Open Group

A software standards organization sponsored by major software vendors to develop and foster industry standards for software interfaces. Open Group standards include UNIX program interfaces and SQL, a data base query language.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)(TM)

A program used to encrypt and decrypt data using a public key system.

Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)

A set of protocols enabling secure informaiton exchange on the Internet. PKCS was developed by RSA Labs.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Protocols, services, and standards used for managing public keys, often through use of a Certificate Authority.


A variable key-size block cipher, with a block size of 64 bits and said to be

2-3 times faster than DES. (Export use of RC2 limits the RC2 key size.) RC2 was developed by RSA Labs.


A variable key-size stream cipher with byte-oriented operations, whose algorithm is based on use of a random permutation. RC4 was developed by RSA Labs.

RSA Public Key Cryptosystem

A popular form of public key cryptography, whose inventors’ surnames (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) form the acronym for a body of algorithms.


A hash function specified in FIPS 180-1 and typically used with the DSA signature algorithm.


Chapter 1

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Contents Contents Sample Install Program Generating the Credential File Migrating to Cdsa ZIP format Private Key FileCommon Data Security Architecture Cdsa White Paper ChapterGlossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms Glossary of Cdsa Terms and AcronymsGlossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms RC2 Glossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms Glossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms Glossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms Glossary of Cdsa Terms and Acronyms HP’s Implementation of Cdsa What Is CDSA?What Is CDSA? HP-UX Cdsa Product OverviewWhat Is CDSA? Cdsa Components in HP-UX Cdsa Components on HP-UXWhat Is CDSA? Cdsa in the Context of Other Security Applications Example of Cdsa APIs Used for Applications vs. SharedLibraries CDSA, shown relative to higher-level protocols and user ApplicationsHP’s Paradigm Shift Common Security Services Manager Cssm Common Security Services Manager Cssm APICssm Module Information Files Cssmnotlongfilenamesys Public/Private Key Algorithms Cryptography Service Provider CSP APICryptography Service Provider CSP API Dual Asymmetric Key AlgorithmSymmetric Key Algorithm Authenticating a Digital Signature RC2 or RC4Cryptography Service Provider CSP API Hash Interaction between CSP and Applications CSP Operations Cryptography Service Provider CSP API Cryptography Service Provider CSP API Extensibility Functions Supported Functions and AlgorithmsCssmalgidcdmf Cssmalgiddsa Cssmalgiddh Purpose Pass-Through ID Certificate Library Services CL API Certificate Library Services CL APIWhat is a Certificate? Outline of a Generic CertificateCertificate Revocation List CRL and Operations Interaction between Certificate Library and Application Operations on Certificates Interaction between Cssm and Certificate Library InterfaceCertificate Library Interface Certificate Library Services CL API Certificate Library Services CL API Certificate Library Services CL API INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHCREATEENCODEDNAME INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHENCODENAME INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHENCODEALGID INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHREADCERTFROMFILE INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHENCODEREVOKEDCERTLIST INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHFINDSUPPORTINGCSP INTELX509V3PASSTHROUGHCSSMKEYTOSPKI Introduction to Add-in Modules Role of Add-In Modules in the Cdsa FrameworkIntroduction to Add-in Modules Design Criteria for Add-In Modules Global Unique Identifier GuidInitializer Code to Register Services with Cssm Add-In Module Install ProgramTo Install an Add-In Library How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UXLd -b -o libmylib.1 +I MyAddInInit Implementing Integrity Checking in Add-In Modules Programming Self-Check Functions into the Initializer How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UX How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UX How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UX How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UX Typeprocedure How to Create a Cdsa Add-In Module for HP-UX Or specify the following for CL/TP/DL add-ins With a Cssm capable of integrity checking Certificate Chain Validating the CSP CredentialsCredential File Validating the CSP CredentialsValidation Sequence Verifying a Certificate ChainIntegrity Check prior to Loading Verifying the signature on the .SF fileSHA-1 Self Check 11 Verifying the validity of the CSP libraryBilateral Authentication In-Memory vs. Static CheckingConcluding Remarks Further ReferencesConcluding Remarks Concluding Remarks Sample Install Program Appendix aAppendix a Appendix a Cssmapimemoryfuncs Appendix a Else if argc != Destpath Sample Install Program Appendix a Sample Install Program Generating the Credential File Appendix BHP Signing Policy for CSP Add-In Vendors for Cdsa Version HP Signing Policy for CSP Add-In Vendors for Cdsa VersionSample Add-in Module Code Appendix CAppendix C Appendix C Sample Add-in Module Code Appendix C Cssmreturn = Null Sample Add-in Module Code == Cssmfail Cssmmodulefuncs Appendix C Sample Add-in Module Code Appendix C Sample Add-in Module Code Data 100 Appendix C 101 102 Appendix C 103 104 Functions Needed for Add-in Module Integrity Appendix D 105106 Trouble Shooting HP Cdsa Appendix E 107Cdsa API Errors Cdsa API Errors108 Appendix E 109 110 Appendix E 111 112 Appendix E 113 114 Appendix E 115 116 Appendix E 117 Cdsa Start Up Errors when calling CSSMModuleAttach Cdsa Start Up Errors when calling CSSMModuleAttach118 Appendix E 119 Using DDE to Debug Cdsa Applications Debugging Core Dumps120 Migrating to Cdsa Appendix F 121122 Appendix F 123 DL data structures 124ZIP format Appendix G 125126 Appendix G 127 128 Private Key File Appendix H 129Private Key File Contention 130
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