Branch Intelligent Management System 7.0 (E0104)
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Table of Contents
1.What's New in this Release
2.Problems Fixed in this Release
3.BIMS Software Distribution Contents
4.BIMS Software Features
5.Installation Prerequisites
6.Client Prerequisites
7.New Installation
8.Upgrade Installation
10.Distributed Deployment
11.TCP Port Usage
12.Known Problems
What's New in this Release
The version IMC BIMS 7.0 (E0104) can be installed directly or upgraded from IMC BIMS 5.2 (E0401) and its patches versions, IMC BIMS 7.0 (E0101) and IMC BIMS 7.0 (E0102).
Features released in IMC BIMS 7.0 (E0104)
∙Send alarms by message gateway.
∙Exhibit device monitor data by charts.
∙Add device up statistic report.
∙View 3G signal strength of device in topology.
Features released in IMC BIMS 7.0 (E0102)
∙CPE Alarm
oConfiguration change alarming.
oMatching a branch device by using BIMS username.