Windows 98, Level One
Font Control
Windows 98 uses TrueType fonts that allow you to print to any graphics printer, including laser, inkjet, and dot
A number of typefaces are preinstalled with Windows 98, and many software applications include additional type faces during their installation processes.
FYI: This learning
Windows 98, Level One
Starting Explorer
1. | Start | |
2. | Click | Explorer |
guide is printed in
To preview, add, or delete typefaces, you must access the
Times New Roman
"Fonts" icon from the Control Panel.
the preinstalled
To preview the Arial typeface:
The Arial (TrueType) window appears allowing you to preview the character style of this typeface.
You may close the Arial typeface window and preview other typefaces.
Folders on the C: Drive
Viewing Folder Contents
To view the contents of a folder, double click the folder, and the contents will display on the right side of the screen.
folder contents
38 | Training Express | Training Express | 19 | |