News You Can Use
The Internet browser that comes with your PC is pre- configured to load the Compaq/Netscape home page*
This gives you:
•Breaking news from CNN, AP, and more
•Weather updates
•Quick access to Presario Club Web site
•Google enhanced search
*Internet access required and sold separately. Valid in the U.S. only
Click on your PC desktop
Set your home page to compaq.netscape.com
Music entertainment
If you love music, you’ll love Apple iTunes for Windows®, which comes preloaded on your new PC. iTunes is an
your CDs, organize your personal music collection, create custom playlists, and much more, right on your PC.
The iTunes Music Store offers a
easily.* Enjoy
*iTunes requires Windows 2000 or Windows XP and Internet access. Terms apply. The iTunes Music Store is available in the U.S., the UK, France, Germany, and other select territories and is open only to persons age 13 or older.
Click on your PC desktop
Go to: Start/All Programs/HP Music | 5 |