HP Smart Array P410 Controller
Standard Features
Availability | Provides increased server uptime by providing advanced storage functionality: |
Online RAID level migration (between any RAID level/with BBWC/FBWC )
Online stripe size migration
Online array expansion
Online logical drive extension
Online drive firmware upgrade
Unlimited global online spare
Fault Prevention | The following features offer detection of possible failures before they occur, allowing preventive action to |
| be taken: |
| S.M.A.R.T.: Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology first developed at HP detects |
| possible hard disk failure before it occurs, allowing replacement of the hard drive before a real |
| failure occurs. |
| Drive Parameter Tracking monitors drive operational parameters, predicting failure and notifying |
| the administrator. |
| Dynamic Sector Repairing continually performs background surface scans on the hard disk drives |
| during inactive periods and automatically remaps bad sectors, ensuring data integrity. |
| Smart Array Cache Tracking monitors integrity of controller cache, allowing |
| maintenance. |
Fault Tolerance | Keeps data available and server running while a failed drive is being replaced; several fault tolerance |
| configurations are supported including: |
| RAID 6 with ADG (Advanced Data Guarding): This is the highest level of fault tolerance. It allocates |
| two sets of parity data across drives and allows simultaneous write operations. This level of fault |
| tolerance can withstand two simultaneous drive failures without downtime or data loss. |
| RAID 6+0: Supported with min of 8 drives, but would have 4 available. Target benefit is to split RAID |
| across the external boxes |
| NOTE: RAID 6, 6+0 can be enabled with either |
| Minimum of 256 MB cache with Battery and Smart Array Advanced Pack License key option |
| upgrades |
| Minimum of 512 MB BBWC/FBWC and Smart Array Advanced Pack License key option |
| upgrades |
| RAID 5 (Distributed Data Guarding): This allocates one set of parity data across drives and allows |
| simultaneous write operations. This level of fault tolerance can withstand a single drive failure |
| without downtime or data loss. |
| RAID5 is available on the SA P410/P410i with a minimum of 256MB cache and battery |
| RAID 5+0: This is a RAID 0 array striped across 5 elements. Combines the straight |
| striping of RAID 0 with the distributed parity of RAID 5. |
| RAID 1, 1+0 (Drive Mirroring): This allocates half of the drive array to data and the other half to |
| mirrored data, providing two copies of every file. It is a |
DA - 13201 Worldwide — Version 27 — December 3, 2013 | Page 5 |