Get to know your HP Photosmart
Back Returns you to the previous screen.
Cancel Stops the current operation, restores previous settings, and clears the current photo selection.
Directional keys Navigate through menu options and photos. Left key moves left or up. Right key moves right or down.
Settings From the Home screen, opens the Setup menu. On other menus, selects options related to the displayed menu.
OK Selects a menu setting, value, or photo.
2. | English |
Copy From the Home screen, opens the Copy menu for you to choose color and number of copies
Photo From the Home screen, opens the Photo menu for you to edit, print, and save photos.
Scan From the Home screen, opens the Scan menu for you to scan to a connected computer or photo memory card.
Apps From the Home screen, opens Apps menu for you to access and print information from the Web, without using a computer.
a | a |
| |
b | b |
c | c |
d | d |
e | e |
Memory Card Slots
LED for Memory Card Slots
Power On/Off button
LED for Wireless Lit when wireless enabled
Wireless button Press for Wireless and Web Services menu