Concurrent PC Warranty Duration
If you purchased the HP Multimedia Display as part of a product bundle with an HP home PC, the duration of the warranty period for the HP Multimedia Display is coextensive with that of the warranty period for the PC. Please check the warranty statement for the PC for more details.
Check your HP home PC support documentation for the customer support phone number.
Obtaining Hardware Warranty Repair Service
For the duration of the
Unit Exchange
In locations where Unit Exchange is available, HP will send you a replacement monitor. You must return the defective monitor to HP (using the shipping carton that the new one came in).
HP may ask you for a credit card as collateral for the monitor, and will charge you for the retail price of the new monitor if the failed product is not returned within 30 days.
Carry-In Services
In locations where
Send-In Repair Service
In locations where
Home Pick-Up and Delivery
In locations where Home
Números de teléfono de los Centros de soporte
Argentina | |
Bs.As | |
Bolivia | |
| |
Canadá | |
| |
Chile | |
Colombia | |
| |
Costa Rica | |
Ecuador |
Andinatel | |
Ecuacor Pacifitel | |
EE.UU | |
El Salvador | |
Guatemala | |
| |
Honduras | |
México | |
Ciudad de México | |
Nicaragua | 164 + |
Panamá | |
Perú | |
República Dominicana | |
Venezuela | |
IMPORTANTE: Consulte las condiciones de uso, instalación y mantenimiento en el Guía del Usuario que acompaña el equipo.
Fecha de compra:
Periodo de Garantía: | Sello del establecimiento dónde fue adquirido: |
Oficinas de Hewlett-Packard
Para recibir información sobre nuevos productos y programas o para localizar a los centros autorizados de servicio de HP o al distribuidor autorizado de HP más próximo:
Taller de
América Latina y el Caribe
Customer Relations 20555 SH 249 Houston, Texas 77070
Importado y distribuido en México por:
Col. Lomas de Sta. Fe Delegación Álvaro Obregón México, D.F. CP 01210