5.The installation of the remaining components is much easier if the inner and outer springs (12 & 13) are compressed and caged. This can be done with a short piece of wire, or even a paper clip. The springs should be compressed so that their ends are approximately one inch apart.
6.Place the spring support (14) inside the caged spring assembly. Then insert the springs into the roller assembly (15). The curved ends of the springs fit over the small bar directly behind the roller.
7.In order to install the lever shaft (4), the roller assembly, with its springs and spring support, and the washers (5 & 7) must be aligned. This can be done by resting the
8.With the
9.Turn the
(2) in the position shown in Figure 4, with its connector facing the rear of
10.Install the treadle cover (1) and cable assembly as shown in Figure 4. Clip the wire from the spring assembly so that the straight end of the springs rest against the underside of the treadle.
11.Make sure the
12.Install the