3.2Calling your voicemail (1)
To access your voicemail, hold down the key.
3.3Receiving a call
When you receive an incoming call, press the key
to talk and then hang up using the key.
To use the during the call.
(1)Contact your network operator to check service availability.
4 Call log...........................
You can access your call memory by pressing from the idle screen, and you will see Outgoing call(s)
, Missed call(s)
and Answered call(s)
5 Contacts ....................... 
5.1Consulting your contacts
To access the Contacts from the main screen, press the
key and select the
icon from the menu.You can quickly find a contact by inputting their initial letter in the search bar.
5.2Adding a contact
Select the directory in which you wish to add a contact, press the "Options" softkey, select "Add".
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